

This is the API reference document for accessing the izi.TRAVEL Directory (MTG Content Directory):

All API requests are made over HTTPS to API endpoints.

The response format for all requests is a JSON object or array of objects.

Data character encoding is UTF-8.

Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx status code indicates failure. When a request fails, the response body is still JSON, but always contains the fields code and error which you can inspect to use for debugging.

API declares Generic Errors codes, applicable for all requests. However, an endpoint can declare own error codes.

High-Level Models

izi.TRAVEL Directory High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Tour High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Tourist Attraction High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Outdoor Navigational Story High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Quest High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Museum High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Museum Collection High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Museum Exhibit High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Indoor Navigational Story High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Country, City High-Level Model

izi.TRAVEL Countent Provider, Publisher High-Level Model

Museum Tours

Starting from API version 1.2.3, the “Museum Tours” feature is introduced extending the concept of navigational story to Museum’s collections for showing the visitor “navigational pictures/audio” between exhibits and allowing the visitor to understand where to go next. More than one navigational stories are allowed between two exhibits.

The order of exhibits and story_navigations in collections is important for the feature and the order is defined in izi.TRAVEL CMS (Content Management System). Corespondent API end-points will return collection’s children in this order.

Muesum Tours ERD


story_navigations will be returned (if exist) in section children in additional to exhibits and in the order defined in izi.TRAVEL CMS.

Playback object will be returned with type as sequential and order as arrays of ordered exhibits and story_navigations UUIDs.


playback section of quest example:

  "playback" : {
    "type" : "quest",
    "segments" : [{
        "number" : 1, "items" : [ "TA1", "TA2", "TA3"]
      }, {
        "number" : 2, "items" : [ "TA4", "TA5", "TA6"],
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "TA3",
                "correct_answered" : true
      }, {
        "number" : 3, "items" : [ "TA7", "TA8"],
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "TA3",
                "correct_answered" : false
      }, {
        "number" : 4, "items" : [ "TA9", "TA10", "TA11"],
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "trigger_zone_condition" : {
                "item" : "TA5",
                "type" : "item"
            }, {
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "TA8",
                "correct_answered" : true
        "end_quest_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "trigger_zone_condition" : {
                "item" : "TA11",
                "type" : "item"
      }, {
        "number" : 5, "items" : [ "TA12", "SN13", "TA15", "TA16"],
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "TA8",
                "correct_answered" : false
        "end_quest_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "TA15",
                "correct_answered" : true

Starting from API version 1.3, new playback type quest is introduced in additional to random for gamification of audio guides.

The idea is in dividing guide into segments, where first segment is always visible to the end-user at quest start, next segments (quest parts) will be opened after completion of certain conditions.

First quests will be based on tour and available in 15Q4. Each tour segment consists of one or more tourist attractions and navigational points. Each tourist attraction and navigational point belongs to one segment. Any segment might be visible to the end-user if quiz in specific tourist attraction is answered or specific TA has been “visited”, meaning its trigger zone has been entered to. Such tourist attractions called Open Segment control points, another type of control points is End Quest indicates completion of the quest.

The following diagram shows a quest example: quest example

A quest tour consists fifteen tourist attractions (TA1-TA16) and one navigational story (SN13). The tour has 5 segments, where Segment 1 is visible to the end-user on device and it has control point TA3 with quiz. If the end-user reached TA3 and correctly answered the quiz, Segment 2 will be opened (made visible to the end-user), otherwise, Segment 3 will be opened. TA8 makes similar quest branching for opening Segment 4 and Segment 5 respectively. Segment 4 can be opened if the end-user goes via Segment 2 and reached one of TA5 trigger zones.

TA11 and TA15 are End Quest control points and after correct answer on TA15 quiz or reaching TA11, the quest is marked as completed.

On End Quest, the client shall show closing_line - to congratulate the end-user with successful end of quest, see section Content. The closing_line is optional and the client shall form own congratulation message if the closing_line is not provided. The closing_line can keep URLs to quest author pages.

Other behavior of End Quest, like any quest points gathering and results sharing in social networks, are parts of clients.

At the right of the screen you can see JSON of playback of the quest example. Important note: the playback schema does not declare control points in a segment to open other segments, but supposes declaration of conditions in a segment that open this segment. Following the example, Segment 4 declares opening conditions: TA8 correct quiz answer or TA5 trigger zone. Rationale: further opening conditions can not be linked to control points from other segments, for example, depending on time/date, arbitrary trigger zone, scanning of QR code, etc

For more details see: Playback, Segment, Conditions, Quiz

To have early knowledge of playback type, playback_type field is returned in root of museum, collection and tour objects. See MTGObject Full, Compact forms. playback_type field either is returned for museum and tour in /featured/mobile end-point.

Objects with playback type quest for old API versions will not be returned: if API version indicated in requests is below 1.3, correspondent endpoints will return HTTP 404 ‘Not Found’ for quests or quests will not be included in responses, for example, in search or publisher end-points.


All API requests require an API key to be included into request:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct X-IZI-API-KEY header with each request:
curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

# An example when an API key passed via parameter for debugging purpose:
curl -X GET ''

Make sure to replace 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f with your API key.

All API requests require an API key. The API key shall be included in a header that looks like the following:

X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f

For debugging purpose there is an option to pass an API key via a parameter api_key. Please note: if password passed via header and via parameter at the same time, the password from header will be used in the request.


# API version in the Accept header:
curl -X GET \
  -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" \
  -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.2.1+json" \ 

# API version as a query string parameter:
curl -X GET \
  -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" \

An API request should include API version number.

There are two ways to request a specific version:


Supported versions: 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

Version Changelog
Purchase section for paid museum in MTGObject Compact and Full forms.
1) vk ( field added to Publisher’s Contacts
2) Sponsors in MTGObject Full Form
1) title field returned for story (common) images, see Media
2) “Museum Tours” feature for Museums
1) any keyword declared for &languages= parameter, see Languages section
2) “Search in Publishers” feature added, see /mtg/objects/search
YouTube video link is supported. See Media, section C)
1) New open-ended question quiz type introduced, see Quiz
2) quest playback type introduced. See Quests overview, Playback section, Segment and Conditions
3) playback_type field is returned for museum, collection and tour objects. See MTGObject Full, Compact forms and Playback section.
4) playback_type field is returned for museum and tour in /featured/mobile end-point.
5) closing_line field added to Full Form of Museum/Collection/Tour MTGObjects see section Content.
1) Filtering by quest type (tour with playback type quest) added to /mtg/objects/search for API version 1.4 or above.
2) Filtering and sorting by ratings added to /mtg/objects/search for API version 1.4 or above.
3) Added ability to include/exclude route field to/from MTGObject Compact Form, see Includes/Except for API version 1.4 or above.
4) Added end-point to retrieve parents of a MTGObject, see /mtgobjects/:uuid/parents.
5) 1600x1200 resolutions of images are available. See Media Access, IMAGES (STORY), IMAGE_SIZE.
1) duration field returned for museum’s collection if it set and indicated API version is 1.5 or above. See MTGObject Full and MTGObject Compact forms.
2) Sizes of 1600x1200 images version are included (in additional to 800x600) to size (see MTGObject Full Form) if indicated API version is 1.5 or above.
1) /mtg/objects/search end-point extended (see details in the end-point description):
- short form introduced in additional to compact, it allows to improve performance of API calls by reducing traffic;
- quest or random tours filtering added;
- the search geo-area can be set by arbitrary bounding box using parameter &bbox= (for exclusion using parameter &ex_bbox=);
- &geo_search_type= parameter added for geo-search area filtering;
- current geo distance in meters and tours locations (locations of published/limited tourist attraction) can be added to filtered content in responses;
- search results for any API versions will be sorted by distance from a geo point &lat_lon= parameter (if indicated) to a nearest published/limited tourist attraction for tours and to Location for other object types, see 'SORTING’, p.4
- fwm=true parameter added to filter content for Free Walking Mode (FWM);
- last sorting from geo point '0.0;0.0’ replaced by internal immutable order, see 'SORTING’, p.4
2) sequential tours are not supported from 16Q1, only random and quest tours.
3) location of random tour is now location of its first tourist attraction instead of center of tour’s map bounds.
4) HTTPS access comments added in Media Access section.
The depricated children_count field is not returned in City/Country objects, see:
City Full Form,
City Compact Form,
Country Full Form
Country Compact Form
New tour’s categories have been added: running (10 km/h), train (60 km/h), horseriding (10 km/h) and can be returned if 1.8 or above version is indicated, see:
MTGObject Full Form
MTGObject Compact Form
Apps Featured Content
/mtg/objects/:uuid/presence end-point is available to detect object presence by some UUID.

Limited content access

# Send an access password via HTTP header:
curl -X GET \
  -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" \
  -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json"  \
  -H "X-IZI-API-PASSWORD: pwd1234" \ 

# Send an access password as a parameter:
curl -X GET \
  -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" \
  -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" \

By default, only public available content can be retrieved using the API. The state of the content is marked as published in status field of API responses.

For debugging purposes, a content can be marked as limited in izi.TRAVEL Content Management System (CMS). In this case, a mobile application can get access to limited content specifying an access password (In terms of izi.TRAVEL CMS it is called passcode).

There are two ways to pass an access password in an API request:


Generic Errors

The izi.TRAVEL API generic error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Invalid or missed parameter.
403 Forbidden – API key is not present or not valid.
404 Not Found – The specified data could not be found.
408 Request Timeout – The server timed out waiting for the request. The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The client MAY repeat the request without modifications at any later time.
410 Gone – Usually API version is invalid or outdated.
413 Payload Too Large – The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
414 URI Too Long – Request-URI Too Long
422 Unprocessable Entity – Usually invalid format of UUID.
429 Too Many Requests – The clint has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
499 The client dropped connection during request or did not read in certain timeout.
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily off-line for maintenance. Please try again later.


# Retrive content (including limited) for `en` language, if not found `en` localization, try to return for `ru` language :
curl -X GET \
  -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" \
  -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" \
  -H "X-IZI-API-PASSWORD: pwd1234" \ 

# Retrieve content of an object with content localized for `nl`, if not found `nl` localization, return any other used localization as `any` keyword and API version `1.2.4` are indicated:
curl -X GET \
  -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" \
  -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" \

Most of API requests require &languages= parameter. The parameter defines one language or list of languages as a filter to retrieve content that has localization on that or those languages.

An API client usually passes it as a list of the end-user preferable languages, for example, browser or device locale, manually set by the end-user in applications settings, etc. The order of languages makes sense, when the list of languages will be processed from left to right.

Example 1: &languages=ru,en,nl,de

izi.TRAVEL system will try to return content for first language ru, taking into account all other filters in API request. If content localized on ru does not exist or does not match other filters, the system will try to return content on en language and so on – next nl and last de. If there are no matches for all indicated languages, API will return 404 “Not Found” or empty array.

Example 2: &languages=any

Starting from API version 1.2.4, a special keyword any can be used in &languages= parameter. The any keyword sets a filter for languages used in izi.TRAVEL Directory: only languages used in existing content and the list can be retrieved via /languages/used end-point. In other words, the any keyword will be replaced by the list returned by /languages/used.
Please note, the used languages list is specifically ordered.
Please note, if any keyword will be indicated with API version below 1.2.4: HTTP 404 ‘Not found’ will be returned or empty response.

Example 3: &languages=de,nl,any,ca

The any keyword can be used with direct indication of languages. In this example, the system will try to return content for de and next for nl languages. If no content has been matched for de and nl, the used languages list will be used (excluding already processed de and nl, if such exist in /languages/used). Anything to the right of the any keyword will be ignored - ca will be omitted from the languages filter in the example.

Example 4: &languages=de,vv,,nl,any

Any not supported languages (including empty/blank) will be ignored, for example, vv will be excepted from filter as not included in supported by izi.TRAVEL languages - the list of supported languages (where content is already exists or can be created in izi.TRAVEL Directory) can be obtained using /languages/supported end-point.


This section provides some notes about parameters passing to API.

Media Access

Media files (images, audio, video, etc.) are stored in media directory and scaled\transcoded to required formats. A media file access link (URL) depends on type of a media and described by one of patterns below. In most cases mobile developer can dynamically build needed media file URL basing on data response parameters.

And supports versions of the more modern Transport Layer Security (TLS) rather than SSLv3. The media directory serves HTTPS requests using Server Name Indication (SNI), however, not all clients support SNI, in this case, if you can control which browser or device your users use, have them upgrade their browser to one that supports SNI, otherwise, use HTTP instead of HTTPS.

Images (Story)

An example of forming an image URL with size 800x600:

curl -X GET ''
    "content_provider" : {
      "uuid" : "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
      "name" : "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
      "copyright" : "200 Greatest Paintings"
    "content" : [{
        "images" : [{
            "uuid" : "36949af4-59c1-47bf-a597-815b2d20434f",
            "type" : "story",
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "c951a51bf175138f46c3a1c8ce19ce6d",
            "size" : 382006

When type of images is story or for_recognition, see Media object

URL pattern:



Parameter Description
MEDIA_BASE_URL directory of media.
CONTENT_PROVIDER_UUID uuid of Content Provider
IMAGE_UUID uuid of image indicated in images section, see Media object
IMAGE_SIZE Image size in “WIDTHxHEIGHT” format. Available image sizes are: 1600x1200, 800x600, 480x360, 240x180, 120x90


Images (Museum’s map, Publisher’s cover)

An example of forming an image URL to a Museum map:

curl -X GET ''
    "type" : "museum",
    "content_provider" : {
      "uuid" : "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
      "name" : "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
      "copyright" : "200 Greatest Paintings"
    "content" : [{
        "images" : [{
            "uuid" : "fb5a0602-d559-4317-af59-7017489a9f1f",
            "type" : "map",
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
            "size" : 582226

When type of images is map and brand_cover, see Media object

URL pattern:



Parameter Description
MEDIA_BASE_URL directory of media.
CONTENT_PROVIDER_UUID uuid of Content Provider
IMAGE_UUID uuid of image indicated in images section, see Media object

When type of images is brand_logo, see Media object

URL pattern:



Parameter Description
MEDIA_BASE_URL directory of media.
CONTENT_PROVIDER_UUID uuid of Content Provider
IMAGE_UUID uuid of image indicated in images section, see Media object

When type of images is sponsor_logo, see Media object and Sponsors

URL pattern:



Parameter Description
MEDIA_BASE_URL directory of media.
CONTENT_PROVIDER_UUID uuid of Content Provider
IMAGE_UUID uuid of image indicated in images section, see Media object

Audio (Story)

An example of forming an URL to audio:

curl -X GET ''
    "content_provider" : {
      "uuid" : "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
      "name" : "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
      "copyright" : "200 Greatest Paintings"
    "content" : [{
        "audio" : [{
            "uuid" : "daed5531-e294-4a8e-b59e-5bd5f06cbc3f",
            "type" : "story",
            "duration" : 84,
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "220ef4713de1267d3aa8fc39b66fc258",
            "size" : 694393

When media is audio and type of media is story, see Media object

URL pattern:



Parameter Description
MEDIA_BASE_URL directory of media.
CONTENT_PROVIDER_UUID uuid of Content Provider
AUDIO_UUID uuid of audio indicated in audio section, see Media object

Video (Story)

An example of forming an URL to video:

curl -X GET ''
    "content_provider" : {
      "uuid" : "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
      "name" : "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
      "copyright" : "200 Greatest Paintings"
    "content" : [{
        "video" : [{
            "uuid" : "21240cff-8ded-4883-afaf-2ac02d556fb9",
            "type" : "story",
            "duration" : 15,
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "41262e94f0129fb05f54fe757d7bc0d1",
            "size" : 5033080

When media is audio and type of media is story, see Media object

URL pattern:



Parameter Description
MEDIA_BASE_URL directory of media.
CONTENT_PROVIDER_UUID uuid of Content Provider
VIDEO_UUID uuid of video indicated in video section, see Media object

Image (City)

An example of forming an URL to ‘Amsterdam’ City image:

curl -X GET ''
    "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
    "type": "city",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "map": {
        "bounds": "52.3182742,4.7288558,52.4311573,5.0683775"
    "hash": "c2215526ea8449b00744660841c8593f027f9293",
    "visible": false,
    "content": [
            "title": "Amsterdam",
            "summary": "",
            "desc": "<p>Amsterdam is the Netherlands' capital and financial, cultural, and creative center, with more than a million citizens. Amsterdam is known for the canals that criss-cross the city, its impressive architecture and more than 1,500 bridges. The city has a heritage back to the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century, as well as a diverse art scene, and a bustling nightlife.</p>",
            "language": "nl",
            "images": [
                    "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
                    "type": "city",
                    "order": 1
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.3702157,
        "longitude": 4.8951679,
        "country_code": "nl",
        "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"

Image for City: Media in City’s Compact and Full forms.

URL pattern:



Parameter Description
MEDIA_BASE_URL directory of media.
CITY_UUID uuid of City
CITY_IMAGE_UUID uuid of city’s image, see Media object

HTTP Compression

gzip HTTP compression example:

curl -X GET -I -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" ''
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2015 14:44:56 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Status: 200 OK
X-Izi-Api-Version: 1.2
Content-Encoding: gzip

It’s recommended to use HTTP(S) Compression for faster downloads, where gzip compression scheme can be used. To switch on the compression, you shall indicate gzip in Accept-Encoding header field of HTTP(S) requests, for example, add Accept-Encoding: gzip into request headers. The server will add a Content-Encoding: gzip header field in the HTTP(S) response returning gzip compressed data.

See Also

To improve transfer speed, a API client can use Includes/Except feature to receivie only the portion of the data that a client is interested in.

Content Caching

The izi.TRAVEL API provides an ability to support caching of data. Advanced clients (applications) use content caching to decrease network cost and improve responsiveness for the end-user.

Most of objects in izi.TRAVEL API have field ‘hash’ for the cache control. It is 40 chars string that reflects changes and shall be used for validating client’s caches.

For example, a client loaded a tour with children including media into an internal cache. Next time, when an user lists tours or open the tour, the client can check the hash of the tour in responses (like compact form) and validate the cache.

If a tourist attraction of the tour was changed (for example, description updated or new image added), the hashes of the tourist attraction and the tour are changed. Another case, a new tourist attraction is added to the tour and tour’s hash will be changed as well.

If the client defines such changes, it marks the tour as expired and shall reload JSON of it to define what content shall be updated, added or deleted. In this example, it will reload objects of the tour and the tourist attraction, load new image of the tourist attraction, load new tourist attraction … when other objects and its loaded media can be used from the cache.

The attached PDF reflects most importent cases when hashes are changed hashes_changes.pdf


Example: Get a tour excluding most of sections (make the request with and without except parameter example):

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',country,translations,publisher,download,children,location'
        "uuid": "2e7f5302-6ff3-4c0e-9820-75dcd04c425e",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "duration": 4545,
        "distance": 5050,
        "placement": "outdoor",
        "languages": [
        "map": {
            "route": "48.80056018925834,2.128772735595703;48.79945774194329,2.1280431747436523;48.798786367925295,2.127528190612793;48.799160925064584,2.1261978149414062;48.799316400791525,2.1256399154663086;48.799493077169004,2.1250498294830322;48.79875103220171,2.1245884895324707;48.79939767200245,2.1244007349014282;48.799454208419355,2.124159336090088;48.799026650185304,2.123826742172241;48.798369404801186,2.1234244108200073;48.79778989097433,2.1230006217956543;48.7972907616565,2.1226881444454193;48.79670681822153,2.1222898364067078;48.79565199242746,2.121557593345642;48.795556579955246,2.121884822845459;48.79969802098728,2.12460994720459;48.800334048194806,2.1248137950897217;48.80067325940777,2.1235692501068115;48.80138700884314,2.123885750770569;48.80129514067344,2.1248674392700195;48.8013022074617,2.1253716945648193;48.80274381144652,2.1235692501068115;48.80291694247143,2.1239876747131348;48.802243848091194,2.1248191595077515;48.80216434815845,2.1254146099090576;48.802524746844206,2.126004695892334;48.80296994164527,2.126401662826538;48.80338686652637,2.126584053039551;48.803839120105536,2.1268200874328613;48.804595222449386,2.126755714416504;48.8045881561251,2.126305103302002;48.80450336015615,2.1244168281555176;48.80517465765173,2.1227967739105225;48.80599963463511,2.1231669187545776;48.80688819209367,2.1236979961395264;48.80864406252273,2.124781608581543;48.807513529255395,2.1286869049072266;48.80923758228473,2.129330635070801;48.80900441464461,2.1318089962005615;48.808940823281894,2.133493423461914;48.8051393264286,2.131218910217285;48.802666078955234,2.129995822906494;48.80162021190271,2.129502296447754",
            "bounds": "48.795118387011776,2.118215560913086,48.809616,2.133493423461914"
        "hash": "1cc5b0ce151e03c97b597906aab76270fec31de4",
        "size": 16941471,
        "content_provider": {
            "uuid": "4e9d2b2c-83c3-4a84-8675-7cc276270305",
            "name": "Tours around the world",
            "copyright": "@Tours around the world. All rights reserved."
        "content": [
                "audio": [
                        "uuid": "65d79771-fac4-4049-9923-8334ea31e48d",
                        "type": "story",
                        "duration": 59,
                        "order": 1,
                        "hash": "440395c087d84c10ffea07a32934cd6a",
                        "size": 489818
                "images": [
                        "uuid": "d4c6a022-4646-41ac-b1cf-3288860eb2b5",
                        "type": "story",
                        "order": 1,
                        "hash": "6cdb18b00f268a2426cbda0f026c3a72",
                        "size": 83392
                        "uuid": "b5a78966-b1bd-4a4d-bda5-db2677627e1c",
                        "type": "story",
                        "order": 2,
                        "hash": "b16fa1d7d50a1ea1d7111fe500d31c1f",
                        "size": 138919
                        "uuid": "d85a08fb-73ce-42c6-a4aa-fade4831eb3e",
                        "type": "story",
                        "order": 3,
                        "hash": "20ced1940e2f1c4175912531a9fa0e2a",
                        "size": 247553
                        "uuid": "03b498c7-86a0-4a96-85cf-8e3cc1f85a85",
                        "type": "story",
                        "order": 4,
                        "hash": "0ebcfac6eefdb230f4fd1a82986c75af",
                        "size": 251979
                        "uuid": "0dda8c4b-58d0-4aaa-8de3-b2cba4a5d7ea",
                        "type": "story",
                        "order": 5,
                        "hash": "ddb62a358ab569a957fe6f5faa64aa23",
                        "size": 348078
                "playback": {
                    "type": "random",
                    "order": [
                "language": "en",
                "summary": "",
                "desc": "This tour will guide you around the city of Versailles, and you are about to discover that this place has a lot to offer besides the great palace. You will walk along the small, quiet streets of Versailles, getting to know the town, the main purpose of which was to serve the palace. \r\nYou will also see beautiful churches, parks, the king's garden, and many other things.\r\nThe tour starts from the Regional Express Network (RER) railway station, but you can join it at any point. The whole route includes 13 attractions, but there is one further one, which is located some distance away (20 minutes’ walk), so we have decided not to include Montreuil castle and gardens on the main route, but you are more than welcome to visit them yourself. It is quite simple to find on the map.\r\nAll in all, the Versailles tour is definitely worth taking, for it will provide you with an extra perspective on the main attraction – the palace of Versailles – as well as French history as a whole.\r\n",
                "title": "Ville de Versailles"

The API provides an ability to indicate certain sections to be included into returned objects using parameters includes and except in endpoints. It allows to improve performance of API calls (in additional to HTTP Compression) by receiving only the portion of the data that a client is interested in. The following table reflects sections names (the parameters values) that can be used for partial response.

Name Allows to exclude/include
city City objects from/to MTGObject forms.
city_images images section of City (compact, full) object.
children children section in MTGObject full form - see Content and in Publisher Full Form.
collections Museum’s collections. See Content.
country Country object from/to MTGObject forms..
download Download section from/to MTGObjects full form. See Content.
location Location section from/to MTGObjects.
news Museum news field from/to Content section of MTGObject full form.
publisher Publisher from/to MTGObjects.
references references section from/to MTGObjects.
reviews Reviews section in MTGObjects. See Content.
translations Country’s and City’s translations from/to MTGObjects.
sponsors Sponsors in MTGObject Full Form, if API verison 1.2.2 or above (see Versioning)
route route field from/to MTGObject Compact Form, if API verison 1.4 or above (see Versioning).

There are two special words all and none can be used in the parameter includes.

A request with &includes=all will return everything in responses (above mentioned sections) and an API client can indicate not required sections via except parameter in the request in order to reduce response size. For example, &except=city,country,publisher, &except=children,download,location.

If the value none is indicated in includes parameter, only publisher, location, city_images, route and reviews will be included into response, when other from the table will be excluded.

MTGObject - Compact form

Applicable Includes/Except Included by default in end-points
city false (see City Compact form in MTGObjects bellow)
country false (see Country Compact form in MTGObjects bellow)
publisher true
reviews true
location true
route true (if API verison 1.4 or above, see Versioning)

MTGObject - Full form

Applicable Includes/Except Included by default in end-points
city false (see City Compact form in MTGObjects bellow)
country false (see Country Compact form in MTGObjects bellow)
publisher true
reviews true
location true
collections false
children true
references false
sponsors true
news true

City Compact form in MTGObjects

Applicable Includes/Except Included by default in end-points
translations false
city_images true

Country Compact form in MTGObjects

Applicable Includes/Except Included by default in end-points
translations false

User Generated Data

API does not examine and does not transform most of user generated data (text data entered by content providers in izi.TRAVEL Content Management System) and returns data as is.

API Clients SHALL PROTECT own product from XSS attacks and make correspondent actions, like HTML Sanitization.

The documentation marks corresponding fields as Note: User Generated Data across whole document.


izi.TRAVEL API provides data as MTGObject.

MTGObject (Mobile Traveler Guide Object) is a core content object used by mobile developers. MTGObject, depending on its type property, represents any MTG Content object (museum, exhibit, collection, tour, tourist_attraction, story_navigation).

An MTGObject can be requested in full or compact forms (formats).

There is another set of objects, like Country, City, Publisher, Content Provider, etc that assists MTGObjects.

MTGObject Full Form

Museum MTGObject Full form example (wo children):

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" ''
        "uuid": "50b5f15b-7328-4509-8250-d36a523292b3",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "museum",
        "languages": [
        "map": {
            "bounds": "39.29394,-76.619572,39.29933,-76.612607"
        "hash": "38754ea1b9a79275efa6f1f4bcf0fde3f0f6888f",
        "size": 65171830,
        "city": {
            "uuid": "69855a14-1a92-4ff5-9d03-e50cec3c3f5d",
            "type": "city",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "translations": [
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "en"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "pt"
                    "name": "Балтимор",
                    "language": "ru"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "de"
                    "name": "巴爾的摩",
                    "language": "zh"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "fr"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "es"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "sv"
            "map": {
                "bounds": "39.1258972374751,-76.8147356718749,39.4487891341626,-76.329054103125"
            "hash": "a6cea15e6017b8064bae783d5272ac825d4b599b",
            "visible": false,
            "title": "Baltimore",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "en",
            "location": {
                "altitude": 0,
                "latitude": 39.2824749532575,
                "longitude": -76.6099134859375,
                "country_code": "us",
                "country_uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c"
        "country": {
            "uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c",
            "type": "country",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "translations": [
                    "name": "United States",
                    "language": "en"
                    "name": "США",
                    "language": "ru"
                    "name": "Verenigde Staten",
                    "language": "nl"
                    "name": "États-Unis",
                    "language": "fr"
                    "name": "USA",
                    "language": "sv"
                    "name": "Statele Unite ale Americii",
                    "language": "ro"
                    "name": "美国",
                    "language": "zh"
            "map": {
                "bounds": "18.9110642,-169.09707125,71.389888,-66.94976079999998"
            "hash": "dcfdc1e53a421fe2ba8611d119a7aa8c3fca6abe",
            "country_code": "us",
            "title": "United States",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "en",
            "location": {
                "altitude": 0,
                "latitude": 37.09024,
                "longitude": -95.712891
        "content_provider": {
            "uuid": "a9e0cee3-bae0-4250-a871-4194469cfd26",
            "name": "The Walters Art Museum",
            "copyright": "(C) 2014 The Walters Art Museum"
        "contacts": {
            "country": "us",
            "city": "Baltimore",
            "address": "600 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD"
        "publisher": {
            "uuid": "792a92bb-9d22-4c87-938e-d4e5b72e114f",
            "type": "publisher",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "hash": "1a5f47bb25631b7abdeb56b74bc965f97de246a4",
            "title": "The Walters Art Museum",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "en",
            "images": [
                    "uuid": "b1dd1328-4a19-47b1-9f08-dcfca9fc2f12",
                    "type": "brand_logo",
                    "order": 1,
                    "hash": "76cc12b00904678243b8508c111c5032",
                    "size": 37470
            "content_provider": {
                "uuid": "a9e0cee3-bae0-4250-a871-4194469cfd26",
                "name": "The Walters Art Museum",
                "copyright": "(C) 2014 The Walters Art Museum"
        "content": [
                "audio": [
                        "uuid": "9fc19e5e-0afe-480f-b036-a725aa4b2303",
                        "type": "story",
                        "duration": 62,
                        "order": 1,
                        "hash": "b9fe75e9b8c0b3db0a05207bc50b818c",
                        "size": 510521
                "images": [
                        "uuid": "f7108f31-94be-4756-8b66-90d9ae664608",
                        "type": "story",
                        "order": 1,
                        "hash": "f436c63c84d1333cccc3d31894530d62",
                        "size": 42514
                "download": {
                    "map-mbtiles": {
                        "md5": "6e78f9ddd31839b8bcd50dad8d569b74",
                        "size": 4516864,
                        "url": "",
                        "updated_at": "2014-03-25 07:19:27 UTC"
                "language": "en",
                "summary": "",
                "desc": "You are invited to discover some of the most talented artists from around the globe and across the ages. The Walters Art Museum is one of only a few museums in the world to present a panorama of art from the third millennium B.C. to the early 20th century. The thousands of treasures range from mummies to arms and armor, from old master paintings to Art Nouveau jewelry. The Walters' Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ethiopian and Western Medieval art collections are among the finest in the nation, as are the museum's holdings of Renaissance and Asian art and a spectacular reserve of illuminated manuscripts and rare books. Every major trend in French painting during the 19th century is represented in the collection.\r\n\r\nThe Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland is internationally renowned for its collection of art, which was amassed substantially by two men, William and Henry Walters, and eventually bequeathed to the City of Baltimore.\r\n\r\n",
                "title": "The Walters Art Museum"
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "city_uuid": "69855a14-1a92-4ff5-9d03-e50cec3c3f5d",
            "country_code": "us",
            "country_uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c",
            "latitude": 39.2966346,
            "longitude": -76.6160894

Full MTGObject is used to display details of particular content object: exhibit, tour, museum, collection, navigational story, tourist attraction.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of the object.
parent_uuid String (Optional) DEPRECATED (use /mtgobjects/:uuid/parents instead). UUID of parent, for example, tour’s uuid of a tourist attraction, museum’s uuid of an exhibit. Typical for collection, exhibit, tourist_attraction, story_navigation. Please note: a tourist_attraction can be assigned to several tours, the value of the field will reflect uuid of a tour the tourist attraction last assigned to.
type String (Mandatory) MTGObject type. Possible values are the following: museum, exhibit (an exhibit inside a museum), story_navigation, tour, tourist_attraction (outdoor tourist attraction), collection (a set of exhibits inside of a museum and navigational story starting from API version 1.2.3, see “Museum Tours”).
category String (Optional) Typical for tour:
walk – a walking tour (avg. speed is 3 km. per hour),
bike – a tour on a bike (avg. speed is 6 km. per hour),
bus – a tour on a bus (avg. speed is 35 km per hour),
car – a tour in a car (avg. speed is 45 km. per hour),
boat – a tour in a boat (avg. speed is 10 km per hour).

Starting from API version 1.8 (Versioning):
running (10 km/h),
train (60 km/h),
horseriding (10 km/h).
city Object (Optional) City object. Typical for museum, tour and tourist_attraction. Can be excluded by &except=city see Includes/Except.
contacts Object (Optional) Typical for museum. See Contacts.
country Object (Optional) Country object. Typical for museum, tour and tourist_attraction. Can be excluded by &except=country see Includes/Except.
status String (Mandatory) Content publication status: published – content is public available. limited– content is not public and available for current user only (see Limited content access).
languages Array (Mandatory) Array of all available languages of MTGObject, ISO 639-1. See also Languages.
location Object (Optional) Location of a content object. Can be excluded by &except=location see Includes/Except.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
trigger_zones Array of Objects (Optional) Array of trigger zone objects.
map Object (Optional) Object with mapping details object.
content_provider Object (Mandatory) Content provider object.
publisher Object (Optional) Publisher object. Can be excluded by &except=publisher see Includes/Except, otherwise, always returned.
purchase Object (Optional) Object with product purchasing details. Typical for tour and starting from API verison 1.2.1 for paid museum.
duration Integer (Optional) Typical for tour. Total duration of the tour in seconds. Starting from API version 1.5, the duration in seconds can be returned for museum’s collection.
distance Integer (Optional) Typical for tour. Distance of a tour in meters.
content Array of Objects (Mandatory) Array of language specific MTGObject content: texts, descriptions, media. Everything displayed to end-user come within this array. See Content.
placement String (Optional) Typical for tour: indoor or outdoor.
hidden Boolean (Optional) Typical for tourist_attraction type. Tourist attraction map visibility. Can be: false – object shall be displayed on a map; true – object is hidden from the user.
schedule Object (Optional) Typical for museum. Object with museum’s schedule.
reviews Object (Optional) Rating&Reviews average. Can be excluded by &except=reviews see Includes/Except.
size Integer (Optional) Typical for tour, museum, collection. Provides size in bytes of media content: the size is calculated from root object: museum, tour or collection and includes root size and sum of children sizes; the sizes depend on a filter applied to root object and its children like language, status (published, limited) and passcode in the request; images sizes - are sizes of 800x600 version converted for mobile devices (if API version is 1.5 or above, 1600x1200 version sizes are included as well); Audio, Video, Publisher Logos, Museum Plans sizes - are sizes of converted version for mobile devices.
sponsors Array of Objects (Optional) Typical for tour and museum. Since API version 1.2.2. The section sponsors (see Sponsors) will be returned, if at least one sponsor exists, sponsors section included (see Includes/Except), and indicated API version is 1.2.2 or above (see Versioning).
playback_type String (Optional) Type of playback algorithm. Values: random, sequential or quest. The field is returned for museum, collection and tour objects if API version indicated in requests is 1.3 or above. See Playback section.

See examples:

MTGObject Compact Form

Museum MTGObject Compact form example:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" ''
        "uuid": "50b5f15b-7328-4509-8250-d36a523292b3",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "museum",
        "languages": [
        "map": {
            "bounds": "39.29394,-76.619572,39.29933,-76.612607"
        "hash": "38754ea1b9a79275efa6f1f4bcf0fde3f0f6888f",
        "children_count": 218,
        "city": {
            "uuid": "69855a14-1a92-4ff5-9d03-e50cec3c3f5d",
            "type": "city",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "translations": [
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "en"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "pt"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "ro"
                    "name": "Baltimora",
                    "language": "it"
                    "name": "Baltimore",
                    "language": "sv"
            "map": {
                "bounds": "39.1258972374751,-76.8147356718749,39.4487891341626,-76.329054103125"
            "hash": "a6cea15e6017b8064bae783d5272ac825d4b599b",
            "visible": false,
            "title": "Baltimore",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "en",
            "location": {
                "altitude": 0,
                "latitude": 39.2824749532575,
                "longitude": -76.6099134859375,
                "country_code": "us",
                "country_uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c"
        "country": {
            "uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c",
            "type": "country",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "translations": [
                    "name": "United States",
                    "language": "en"
                    "name": "США",
                    "language": "ru"
                    "name": "美国",
                    "language": "zh"
            "map": {
                "bounds": "18.9110642,-169.09707125,71.389888,-66.94976079999998"
            "hash": "dcfdc1e53a421fe2ba8611d119a7aa8c3fca6abe",
            "country_code": "us",
            "title": "United States",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "en",
            "location": {
                "altitude": 0,
                "latitude": 37.09024,
                "longitude": -95.712891
        "content_provider": {
            "uuid": "a9e0cee3-bae0-4250-a871-4194469cfd26",
            "name": "The Walters Art Museum",
            "copyright": "(C) 2014 The Walters Art Museum"
        "images": [
                "uuid": "f7108f31-94be-4756-8b66-90d9ae664608",
                "type": "story",
                "order": 1,
                "hash": "f436c63c84d1333cccc3d31894530d62",
                "size": 42514
        "publisher": {
            "uuid": "792a92bb-9d22-4c87-938e-d4e5b72e114f",
            "type": "publisher",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "hash": "1a5f47bb25631b7abdeb56b74bc965f97de246a4",
            "title": "The Walters Art Museum",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "en",
            "images": [
                    "uuid": "b1dd1328-4a19-47b1-9f08-dcfca9fc2f12",
                    "type": "brand_logo",
                    "order": 1,
                    "hash": "76cc12b00904678243b8508c111c5032",
                    "size": 37470
            "content_provider": {
                "uuid": "a9e0cee3-bae0-4250-a871-4194469cfd26",
                "name": "The Walters Art Museum",
                "copyright": "(C) 2014 The Walters Art Museum"
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "city_uuid": "69855a14-1a92-4ff5-9d03-e50cec3c3f5d",
            "country_code": "us",
            "country_uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c",
            "latitude": 39.2966346,
            "longitude": -76.6160894
        "language": "en",
        "summary": "",
        "title": "The Walters Art Museum"

Compact MTGObjects are used to display a list of items.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
audio_duration Number (Optional) Typical for museum, tour, collection. Defines total duration in seconds of the object and its children audio. The field will be returned when a request keeps parameter &audio_duration=true, see Endpoints.
category String (Optional) Typical for tour:
walk – a walking tour (avg. speed is 3 km. per hour),
bike – a tour on a bike (avg. speed is 6 km. per hour),
bus – a tour on a bus (avg. speed is 35 km per hour),
car – a tour in a car (avg. speed is 45 km. per hour),
boat – a tour in a boat (avg. speed is 10 km per hour).

Starting from API version 1.8 (Versioning):
running (10 km/h),
train (60 km/h),
horseriding (10 km/h).
city Object (Optional) City object. Typical for museum, tour and tourist_attraction. Can be excluded by &except=city see Includes/Except.
children_count Number (Optional) Typical for tour, museum, collection. Defines the number of children (according status and language): tour includes tourist_attraction and story_navigation; museum includes the number of exhibit; collection includes the number of exhibit (to get the number of exhibits and story_navigations in a collection use /mtgobjects/:uuid/children/count end-point, see “Museum Tours”).
content_provider Object (Mandatory) Content provider object.
country Object (Optional) Country object. Typical for museum, tour and tourist_attraction. Can be excluded by &except=country see Includes/Except.
distance Integer (Optional) Typical for tour. Distance of a tour in meters.
duration Integer (Optional) Typical for tour. Total duration of the tour in seconds. Starting from API version 1.5, the duration in seconds can be returned for museum’s collection.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
hidden Boolean (Optional) Typical for tourist_attraction type. Tourist attraction map visibility. Can be: false – object shall be displayed on a map; true – object is hidden from the user.
images Array of Objects (Optional) Array of images data. NOTE: Contains only one object (first image). See Media object.
language String (Mandatory) Language, ISO 639-1 of object’s content.
languages Array (Mandatory) Array of all available languages of MTGObject, ISO 639-1. See also Languages.
location Object (Optional) Location of a content object. Can be excluded by &except=location see Includes/Except.
map Object (Optional) Object with mapping details object. However, the route is returned as dedicated field in this form, see below.
playback_type String (Optional) Type of playback algorithm. Values: random, sequential or quest. The field is returned for museum, collection and tour objects if API version indicated in requests is 1.3 or above. See Playback section.
publisher Object (Optional) Publisher object. Can be excluded by &except=publisher see Includes/Except, otherwise, always returned.
purchase Object (Optional) Object with product purchasing details. Typical for tour and starting from API verison 1.2.1 for paid museum.
placement String (Optional) Typical for tour: indoor or outdoor.
quiz Object (Optional) Quiz. Typical for museum, collection, exhibit, tour, tourist_attraction. Note: returned (if exists) only in content/children.
reviews Object (Optional) Rating&Reviews average. Can be excluded by &except=reviews see Includes/Except. Note: returned (if exists) only in content/children.
closing_line String (Optional) A message to notify/congratulate the end-user of successful end of guide/quest. Typical for museum, collection, tour. The field will be returned in content/children only (collection in museum case) if a closing line exists and indicated API version is 1.3 or above, see Versioning. Note: User Generated Data. Usage example - End of Quests.
status String (Mandatory) Content publication status: published – content is public available. limited– content is not public and available for current user only (see Limited content access).
route String (Optional) Typical for tour. Route is expressed as a string with the format: lat,lon;lat,lon;... . This route is for display on map purposes only. Please note: The route is included into map section in MTGObjects Full Form.
summary String (Mandatory) Shortened description. Note: User Generated Data
title String (Mandatory) MTGObject title. Note: User Generated Data
trigger_zones Array of Objects (Optional) Array of trigger zone objects.
type String (Mandatory) MTGObject type. Possible values are the following: museum, exhibit (an exhibit inside a museum), story_navigation, tour, tourist_attraction (outdoor tourist attraction), collection (a set of exhibits inside of a museum and navigational story starting from API version 1.2.3, see “Museum Tours”).
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of the object.

See examples:

Publisher Full Form

Publisher Full form example (without children):

    "uuid": "7d84ef00-f4f6-4b90-89d7-f20207ee9ca6",
    "type": "publisher",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "hash": "e8ce336bc687892e6b1a98cb9f7d1254128a17a6",
    "content_provider": {
        "uuid": "d75cdc77-2376-4e9d-b62f-0338861420c0",
        "name": "Amsterdam Museum",
        "copyright": "Amsterdam Museum"
    "contacts": {
        "website": "",
        "twitter": "",
        "facebook": ""
    "content": [
            "title": "Amsterdam Museum",
            "summary": "Een ontmoetingsplek van en voor Amsterdammers en hét museum voor Nederlanders die de hoofdstad beter willen leren kennen. ",
            "desc": "Het Amsterdam Museum vertelt het verhaal van de ......",
            "language": "en",
            "images": [
                    "uuid": "95e14c61-d879-456e-9085-47d5274c5d1d",
                    "type": "brand_logo",
                    "order": 1,
                    "hash": "baae2a048f560756a55f54f9d6bc58c8",
                    "size": 52621
                    "uuid": "57deeecb-c5b0-4a8f-b561-7589ceb5c47b",
                    "type": "brand_cover",
                    "order": 1

Full form of Publisher object.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of Publisher.
type String (Mandatory) Only publisher type.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
languages Array of Strings (Mandatory) Array of all available languages of Publisher’s translations, ISO 639-1.
status String (Mandatory) Status of publication: published
content_provider Object (Mandatory) Content Provider of the publisher
content Array (Mandatory) Array of Publisher content. See below.
contacts Object (Optional) Publisher Contacts object. See contacts description below.

Publisher Content

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
language String (Mandatory) Language on which language specific fields of Publisher are currently displayed.
images Array (Optional) An array of images (see Media). Variants: brand_logo and brand_cover
title String (Mandatory) Language specific name. Note: User Generated Data
summary String (Optional) Publisher short description. Note: User Generated Data
desc String (Optional) Publisher description. Note: User Generated Data
children Array of Objects (Optional) Publisher’s Museum and Tours MTGObjects in Compact form.

Publisher Contacts

Name: contacts

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
website String (Optional) Website link. Note: User Generated Data
twitter String (Optional) URL to Twitter resource. Note: User Generated Data
facebook String (Optional) URL to Facebook resource. Note: User Generated Data
googleplus String (Optional) URL to Google+ resource. Note: User Generated Data
instagram String (Optional) URL to Instagram resource. Note: User Generated Data
youtube String (Optional) URL to YouTube resource. Note: User Generated Data
vk String (Optional) URL to VK resource. Returned if exists and indicated API version 1.2.2 or above, see Versioning. Note: User Generated Data

Publisher Compact Form

“publisher” section example in MTGObject(museum, tour, etc):

 "publisher": {
    "uuid": "7d84ef00-f4f6-4b90-89d7-f20207ee9ca6",
    "type": "publisher",
    "languages": ["en"],
    "status": "published",
    "hash": "e8ce336bc687892e6b1a98cb9f7d1254128a17a6",
    "title": "Amsterdam Museum",
    "summary": "Een ontmoetingsplek van en voor Amsterdammers en hét museum voor Nederlanders die de hoofdstad beter willen leren kennen. ",
    "language": "en",
    "images": [
            "uuid": "95e14c61-d879-456e-9085-47d5274c5d1d",
            "type": "brand_logo",
            "order": 1,
            "hash": "baae2a048f560756a55f54f9d6bc58c8",
            "size": 52621
    "content_provider": {
        "uuid": "d75cdc77-2376-4e9d-b62f-0338861420c0",
        "name": "Amsterdam Museum",
        "copyright": "Amsterdam Museum"

“publisher” compact form:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" ',en&except=children'
    "uuid": "7d84ef00-f4f6-4b90-89d7-f20207ee9ca6",
    "type": "publisher",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "hash": "e8ce336bc687892e6b1a98cb9f7d1254128a17a6",
    "title": "Amsterdam Museum",
    "summary": "Een ontmoetingsplek van en voor Amsterdammers en hét museum voor Nederlanders die de hoofdstad beter willen leren kennen. ",
    "language": "en",
    "images": [
            "uuid": "95e14c61-d879-456e-9085-47d5274c5d1d",
            "type": "brand_logo",
            "order": 1,
            "hash": "baae2a048f560756a55f54f9d6bc58c8",
            "size": 52621
    "content_provider": {
        "uuid": "d75cdc77-2376-4e9d-b62f-0338861420c0",
        "name": "Amsterdam Museum",
        "copyright": "Amsterdam Museum"

Compact form of Publisher object. Name of section in common MTGObjects is publisher.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of Publisher.
type String (Mandatory) Only publisher type.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
languages Array of Strings (Mandatory) Array of all available languages of Publisher’s translations, ISO 639-1.
status String (Mandatory) Status of publication: published
content_provider Object (Mandatory) Content Provider of the publisher
images Array (Optional) An array of images (see Media). Only brand_logo if exists.
language String (Mandatory) Language on which language specific fields of Publisher are currently displayed.
title String (Mandatory) Language specific name. Note: User Generated Data
summary String (Mandatory) Publisher short description. Note: User Generated Data

City Full Form

City Full form example:

    "uuid": "69855a14-1a92-4ff5-9d03-e50cec3c3f5d",
    "type": "city",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "map": {
        "bounds": "39.1258972374751,-76.8147356718749,39.4487891341626,-76.329054103125"
    "hash": "a6cea15e6017b8064bae783d5272ac825d4b599b",
    "visible": false,
    "content": [
            "title": "Baltimore",
            "summary": "",
            "desc": "",
            "language": "en"
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 39.2824749532575,
        "longitude": -76.6099134859375,
        "country_code": "us",
        "country_uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c"

Full form of City example with images and translations:

        "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
        "type": "city",
        "languages": [
        "status": "published",
        "translations": [
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "en"
                "name": "Amesterdão",
                "language": "pt"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "ro"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "it"
                "name": "Амстердам",
                "language": "ru"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "de"
                "name": "阿姆斯特丹",
                "language": "zh"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "fr"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "nl"
                "name": "Ámsterdam",
                "language": "es"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "sv"
        "map": {
            "bounds": "52.3182742,4.7288558,52.4311573,5.0683775"
        "hash": "68ad379344ed90799b8171f0acda9f62180d9905",
        "visible": true,
        "content": [
                "title": "Amsterdam",
                "summary": "",
                "desc": "",
                "language": "en",
                "images": [
                        "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
                        "type": "city",
                        "order": 1
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "latitude": 52.3702157,
            "longitude": 4.8951679,
            "country_code": "nl",
            "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"

Full form of City object.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of City.
type String (Mandatory) Only city type.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
languages Array of Strings (Mandatory) Array of all available languages of City children, ISO 639-1. Fallback to en. See also Languages.
status String (Mandatory) Status of publication: published
visible Boolean (Optional) DEPRECATED (Ignore).
location Object (Optional) Location of City
map Object (Optional) Mapping details
children_count Integer (Optional) DEPRECATED. Number of published tours and museums for requested languages that assigned to the city. Periodically calculated and can reflect not real value. Removed starting from version 1.7 (see Versioning).
translations Array (Optional) List of possible translations of the City
content Array (Mandatory) Array of City content. See below.

City Content

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
language String (Mandatory) Language on which language specific fields of City are currently displayed. Fallback to ‘en’.
images Array of Objects (Optional) An array of City’s images (Media). See also IMAGE (CITY) in Media Access.
title String (Mandatory) Language specific name. Fallback to English version of title. Note: User Generated Data
summary String (Mandatory) City’s summary.
desc String (Mandatory) City’s description.

City Compact Form

“city” section example in MTGObject(museum, tour):

        "city": {
            "uuid": "69855a14-1a92-4ff5-9d03-e50cec3c3f5d",
            "type": "city",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "map": {
                "bounds": "39.1258972374751,-76.8147356718749,39.4487891341626,-76.329054103125"
            "hash": "a6cea15e6017b8064bae783d5272ac825d4b599b",
            "visible": false,
            "title": "Baltimore",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "en",
            "location": {
                "altitude": 0,
                "latitude": 39.2824749532575,
                "longitude": -76.6099134859375,
                "country_code": "us",
                "country_uuid": "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c"


“city” object example with images and translations:

        "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
        "type": "city",
        "languages": [
        "status": "published",
        "translations": [
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "en"
                "name": "Amesterdão",
                "language": "pt"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "ro"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "it"
                "name": "Амстердам",
                "language": "ru"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "de"
                "name": "阿姆斯特丹",
                "language": "zh"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "fr"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "nl"
                "name": "Ámsterdam",
                "language": "es"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "sv"
        "map": {
            "bounds": "52.3182742,4.7288558,52.4311573,5.0683775"
        "hash": "68ad379344ed90799b8171f0acda9f62180d9905",
        "visible": true,
        "title": "Amsterdam",
        "summary": "",
        "language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
                "type": "city",
                "order": 1
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "latitude": 52.3702157,
            "longitude": 4.8951679,
            "country_code": "nl",
            "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"

Compact form of City object. Name of section in common MTGObjects is city.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of City.
type String (Mandatory) Only city type.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
languages Array of Strings (Mandatory) Array of all available language of City children, ISO 639-1. Fallback to en. See also Languages.
language String (Mandatory) Language on which language specific fields of City are currently displayed. Fallback to 'en’.
status String (Mandatory) Status of publication: published
visible Boolean (Optional) DEPRECATED (Ignore).
location Object (Optional) Location of City
map Object (Optional) Mapping details
title String (Mandatory) Language specific name. Fallback to English version of title. Note: User Generated Data
summary String (Mandatory) City’s short description.
images Array of Objects (Optional) An array of City’s images (Media). See also IMAGE (CITY) in Media Access.
children_count Integer (Optional) DEPRECATED. Number of published tours and museums for requested languages that assigned to the city. Periodically calculated and can reflect not real value. Removed starting from version 1.7 (see Versioning).
translations Array of Objects (Optional) List of possible translations of the City.

See also:

Country Full Form

Country Full form example:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
    "type": "country",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "map": {
        "bounds": "50.7503838,3.357962,53.5560213,7.2275102"
    "hash": "625fa5ae924390fdc162e25d704549f83ec2dac8",
    "country_code": "nl",
    "content": [
            "title": "Netherlands",
            "summary": "",
            "desc": "",
            "language": "en"
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.132633,
        "longitude": 5.291266

Full form of Country example with translations:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
    "type": "country",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "translations": [
            "name": "Netherlands",
            "language": "en"
            "name": "Нидерланды",
            "language": "ru"
            "name": "Nederland",
            "language": "nl"
            "name": "Pays-Bas",
            "language": "fr"
            "name": "Nederländerna",
            "language": "sv"
            "name": "Olanda",
            "language": "ro"
            "name": "Paesi Bassi",
            "language": "it"
            "name": "Países Bajos",
            "language": "es"
            "name": "Holanda",
            "language": "pt"
            "name": "Niederlande",
            "language": "de"
            "name": "荷兰",
            "language": "zh"
    "map": {
        "bounds": "50.7503838,3.357962,53.5560213,7.2275102"
    "hash": "625fa5ae924390fdc162e25d704549f83ec2dac8",
    "country_code": "nl",
    "content": [
            "title": "Nederland",
            "summary": "",
            "desc": "",
            "language": "nl"
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.132633,
        "longitude": 5.291266

Full form of Country object.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of Country.
type String (Mandatory) Only country type.
country_code String (Optional) Country code, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
languages Array of Strings (Mandatory) Array of all available languages of Country children, ISO 639-1. Fallback to en. See also Languages.
status String (Mandatory) Status of publication: published
location Object (Optional) Location of Country
map Object (Optional) Mapping details
translations Array (Optional) List of possible translations of the Country
content Array (Mandatory) Array of Country content. See below.
children_count Integer (Optional) DEPRECATED. Number of published tours and museums for requested languages that assigned to the country. Periodically calculated and can reflect not real value. Removed starting from version 1.7 (see Versioning).

Country Content

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
language String (Mandatory) Language on which language specific fields of Country are currently displayed. Fallback to 'en’.
title String (Mandatory) Language specific name. Fallback to English version of title. Note: User Generated Data
summary String (Mandatory) Country’s summary (currently - empty string).
desc String (Mandatory) Country’s description (currently - empty string).

Country Compact Form

“country” section example in MTGObject(museum, tour):

        "country": {
            "uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
            "type": "country",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "map": {
                "bounds": "50.7503838,3.357962,53.5560213,7.2275102"
            "hash": "625fa5ae924390fdc162e25d704549f83ec2dac8",
            "country_code": "nl",
            "title": "Nederland",
            "summary": "",
            "language": "nl",
            "location": {
                "altitude": 0,
                "latitude": 52.132633,
                "longitude": 5.291266

“country” object example with translations:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
    "type": "country",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "translations": [
            "name": "Netherlands",
            "language": "en"
            "name": "Нидерланды",
            "language": "ru"
            "name": "Nederland",
            "language": "nl"
            "name": "Pays-Bas",
            "language": "fr"
            "name": "Nederländerna",
            "language": "sv"
            "name": "Olanda",
            "language": "ro"
            "name": "Paesi Bassi",
            "language": "it"
            "name": "Países Bajos",
            "language": "es"
            "name": "Holanda",
            "language": "pt"
            "name": "Niederlande",
            "language": "de"
            "name": "荷兰",
            "language": "zh"
    "map": {
        "bounds": "50.7503838,3.357962,53.5560213,7.2275102"
    "hash": "625fa5ae924390fdc162e25d704549f83ec2dac8",
    "country_code": "nl",
    "title": "Nederland",
    "summary": "",
    "language": "nl",
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.132633,
        "longitude": 5.291266

Compact form of Country object. Name of section in common MTGObjects is country.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of Country.
type String (Mandatory) Only country type.
hash String (Mandatory) Reflects a specific version of the resource.
languages Array of Strings (Mandatory) Array of all available languages of Country children, ISO 639-1. Fallback to en. See also Languages.
language String (Mandatory) Language on which language specific fields of Country are currently displayed. Fallback to 'en’.
status String (Mandatory) Status of publication: published
location Object (Optional) Location of Country
map Object (Optional) Mapping details
title String (Mandatory) Language specific name. Fallback to English version of title. Note: User Generated Data
summary String (Mandatory) Country’s short description (currently - empty string).
country_code String (Optional) Country code, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
children_count Integer (Optional) DEPRECATED. Number of published tours and museums for requested languages that assigned to the country. Periodically calculated and can reflect not real value. Removed starting from version 1.7 (see Versioning).
translations Array (Optional) List of possible translations of the Country.

City/Country Translations

“translations” section example:

        "translations": [
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "en"
                "name": "Amesterdão",
                "language": "pt"
                "name": "Amsterdam",
                "language": "ro"

Translations section of City/Country.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
name String (Mandatory) Localized name of City. Note: User Generated Data
language String (Mandatory) Language of localization.

See also:


“contacts” section example:

  "contacts": {
    "phone_number": "79035935578",
    "website": "",
    "country": "nl",
    "city": "Amsterdam",
    "address": "Spaarndammerplantsoen 21/4",
    "postcode": "70044"

Name: contacts.

Museum’s contacts.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
phone_number String (Optional) Phone number. Note: User Generated Data
website String (Optional) Website link. Note: User Generated Data
country String (Mandatory) Country code, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
city String (Mandatory) City name indicated by Content Provider. Note: User Generated Data
address String (Mandatory) Address indicated by Content Provider. Note: User Generated Data
postcode String (Optional) Postal code. Note: User Generated Data
state String (Optional) Administrative subdivision. Note: User Generated Data


“content” section example:

      "content" : [{
        "video" : [{
            "uuid" : "21240cff-8ded-4883-afaf-2ac02d556fb9",
            "type" : "story",
            "duration" : 15,
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "41262e94f0129fb05f54fe757d7bc0d1",
            "size" : 5033080
        "audio" : [{
            "uuid" : "daed5531-e294-4a8e-b59e-5bd5f06cbc3f",
            "type" : "story",
            "duration" : 84,
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "220ef4713de1267d3aa8fc39b66fc258",
            "size" : 694393
        "images" : [{
            "uuid" : "36949af4-59c1-47bf-a597-815b2d20434f",
            "type" : "story",
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "c951a51bf175138f46c3a1c8ce19ce6d",
            "size" : 382006
        "language" : "en",
        "summary" : "",
        "desc" : "The Exhibition 200 Greatest Paintings consists of a canon of Western art that everyone knows. Masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa, The Night Watch and American Gothic are coming to Rotterdam!\r\n \r\nA SELECTION OF OLD ACQUAINTANCES\r\n",
        "title" : "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS"

Name: content.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
audio Array of Objects (Optional) Array of audio data. See Media object.
audio_duration Number (Optional) Typical for museum, tour, collection. Defines total duration in seconds of the object and its children audio. The field will be returned when a request keeps parameter &audio_duration=true, see Endpoints.
children Array of Objects (Optional) List of included object’s content as Compact MTGObjects. For tour children are tourist_attraction and story_navigation, for museum are exhibit and collection; for collection are exhibt, however, starting from API version 1.2.3 and story_navigation, see “Museum Tours”.
children_count Number (Optional) Typical for tour, museum, collection. Defines the number of children (according status and language): tour includes tourist_attraction and story_navigation; museum includes the number of exhibit; collection includes the number of exhibit (to get the number of exhibits and story_navigations in a collection use /mtgobjects/:uuid/children/count end-point, see “Museum Tours”). The field will be returned if a request keeps parameter &children_count_in_full_form=true, see Endpoints
closing_line String (Optional) A message to notify/congratulate the end-user of successful end of guide/quest. Typical for museum, collection, tour. The field will be returned if exists and indicated API version is 1.3 or above, see Versioning. Note: User Generated Data. Usage example - End of Quests.
collections Array of Objects (Optional) Typical for museum List of included museum collection’s content as compact MTGObjects.
desc String (Mandatory) Full description. Note: User Generated Data
download Object (Optional) Download links (off-line maps).
images Array of Objects (Optional) Array of images data. See Media object.
language String (Mandatory) Language, ISO 639-1, of this content item.
news String (Optional) Typical for museum. Note: User Generated Data
playback Object (Optional) MTGObject playback algorithm settings. Typical for tour and starting from API version 1.2.3 for collections (see “Museum Tours”)
quiz Object (Optional) Quiz. Typical for museum, collection, exhibit, tour, tourist_attraction.
references Array of Objects (Optional) List of linked object’s content as Compact MTGObjects. References objects are usually appeared in section “See Also” in clients. A reference can be any tour or museum from izi.TRAVEL Directory. Typical for museum, exhibit, tour and tourist_attraction.
summary String (Mandatory) Shortened description. Note: User Generated Data
title String (Mandatory) MTGObject title. Note: User Generated Data
video Array of Objects (Optional) Array of video data. See Media object.

See examples:

Content Provider

“content_provider” section example:

  "content_provider": {
    "uuid": "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
    "name": "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
    "copyright": "200 Greatest Paintings"

Name: content_provider.

Provides Content Provider information.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of content provider.
name String (Mandatory) Not localized Content Provider’s name. Note: User Generated Data
copyright String (Optional) Content provider copyright information. E.g., “© 2017 Art Museum”. Note: User Generated Data

See examples:


“download” section example:

  "download" : {
    "map-mbtiles" : {
      "md5" : "6e78f9ddd31839b8bcd50dad8d569b74",
      "size" : 4516864,
      "url" : "",
      "updated_at" : "2014-03-25 07:19:27 UTC"

Name: download.

This object contains map-mbtiles - a file with geo off-line map in mbtiles format for current MTGObject (museum, tour, quest).

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
size Number (Integer) (Mandatory) File size in bytes.
url String (Mandatory) Direct link to download the map.
md5 String (Mandatory) MD5 hash from file. Actually this is ETag property for checking if content changed.
updated_at String (Optional) Date of the map generation.

See examples:


Museum’s “location” section example:

  "location": {
    "altitude": 0,
    "city_uuid": "8881e8de-d426-4cef-91b3-0c2ca298ab0b",
    "country_code": "fr",
    "country_uuid": "1204cada-f918-49cd-8483-81795d69e2bd",
    "latitude": 48.7988217036239,
    "longitude": 2.12748527526855

Exhibit’s “location” section example:

  "location": {
    "number": "2.23"

Name: location.

Geo and indoor positioning.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
latitude Number (Double) (Optional) Object’s latitude. Typical for tour, museum, tourist_attraction, city, contry and story_navigation in tours.
longitude Number (Double) (Optional) Object’s longitude. Typical for tour, museum, tourist_attraction, city, contry and story_navigation in tours.
altitude Number (Double) (Optional) Object altitude. This parameter has zero value for now and reserved for future use and geocoding consistency. Typical for tour, museum, tourist_attraction, city, contry and story_navigation in tours.
number String (Optional) Museum’s exhibit number. Typical for exhibit.
ip String (Optional) Public IP address of object’s WiFi router. Typical for museum. PLEASE NOTE: The value is not valided in izi.CMS and can not follow IPv4/IPv6 notation. Note: User Generated Data
city_uuid String (Optional) Universally Unique Identifier of City. Typical for tour, museum, tourist_attraction.
country_code String (Optional) Country code, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Typical for tour, museum, tourist_attraction, city.
country_uuid String (Optional) Universally Unique Identifier of Country. Typical for tour, museum, tourist_attraction, city.

See examples:


“map” section example:

  "map": {
    "route": "48.80056018925834,2.128772735595703;48.79945774194329,...,2.129995822906494;48.80162021190271,2.129502296447754",
    "bounds": "48.795118387011776,2.118215560913086,48.809616,2.133493423461914"

Name: map.

Mapping details.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
bounds String (Optional) Typical for museum, tour. Surface bounds for a MTGObject. E.g., bounds for a tour route of content provider. The bounds are represented in format - bottom, left, top, right (SW NE).
route String (Optional) Route expressed as a string with the format: lat,lon;lat,lon;.... This route is for display on map purposes only. Typical for tour. Please note: The route is included into map section of MTGObjects Full Form, however, in MTGObjects Compact Form it will be returned as dedicated section in root, not in the map section.

See examples:


“audio”, “images” section in an object (museum, tour, exhibit,…) example:

        "audio" : [{
            "uuid" : "d2cea5b6-a781-4d67-be7b-7c46f034e6ae",
            "type" : "story",
            "duration" : 44,
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "89754396ad760e91985c622ecb0acce5",
            "size" : 365477
        "images" : [{
            "uuid" : "b5c30e91-66c0-4382-aa55-56c0b13e2263",
            "type" : "story",
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "b638e89534de7a84304942ce7887bdb4",
            "size" : 231663

“images” section in Publisher object example:

    "publisher" : {
      "uuid" : "9bc6a143-5098-43c6-8bb8-7dfaf0588ec2",
      "type" : "publisher",
      "images" : [{
          "uuid" : "a3f93ef2-5829-4115-becf-beda63db386a",
          "type" : "brand_logo",
          "order" : 1,
          "hash" : "3aec6365e75adadf44f87a52893e706e",
          "size" : 5904

A) Objects names: images, video, audio

auidio and video are applicable for museum, tour, tourist_attraction, exhibit, collection

video with type youtube is described below in section C).

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of media.
type String (Mandatory) Type of media: story - media of museum, exhibit, tour, tourist_attraction, story_navigation and collection; map - museum’s map image; brand_logo - Publisher logo; sponsor_logo - Sponsor logo, for_recognition - media (images) for recognition. Note: youtube type for video is described below in section C).
order Number (Integer) Defines in what order to show\play media.
duration Number (Integer) Typical for audio, video. Duration of media file in seconds.
url String (Optional) Direct URL to media when a parameter media_links set to true. See Media Access.
title String (Optional) Typical for map, story and for_recognitiontypes. The field (for types story or for_recognition) will be returned if exists and indicated API version is 1.2.3 or above, see Versioning. Note: User Generated Data
hash String (Mandatory) Media hash reflects a specific version of a resource.
size Number (Integer) Size in bytes of media. In case of images with type story or for_recognition, the size of 800x600 image version is used. See Media Access.

B) Objects names: images for City and Publisher cover

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of media.
type String (Mandatory) Type of media: city or brand_cover. See IMAGE (CITY) and IMAGES (MUSEUM’S MAP, PUBLISHER’S COVER) sections in Media Access
order Integer (Mandatory) Defines in what order to show\play media.

C) Object name video with type youtube. Available form API version 1.2.5 or above, see Versioning:

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
type String (Mandatory) youtube
url String (Mandatory) Youtube URL link.
order Integer (Mandatory) Defines in what order to show\play media.

See examples:


“playback” section for type “sequential” example:

  "playback": {
    "type": "sequential",
    "order": [

“playback” section for type “quest” example:

  "playback" : {
    "type" : "quest",
    "segments" : [{
        "number" : 1,
        "items" : [
        "route" : "48.80039058355627,2.1286654472351074;48.79865209204335,2.1266698837280273;48.79866622636362,2.124481201171875"
      }, {
        "number" : 2,
        "items" : [
        "route" : "48.79829873274176,2.122635841369629;48.79771921809848,2.1233439445495605;48.79626333470221,2.122378349304199;48.79607251190181,2.1217453479766846;48.7964188194103,2.1213698387145996",
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "cbf3d9f0-9311-40df-b4ac-b36ac9651335",
                "correct_answered" : true
      }, {
        "number" : 3,
        "route" : "48.79637641453771,2.121155261993408;48.79835527039732,2.1184515953063965;48.80002310256765,2.119760513305664;48.80014324087938,2.124577760696411;48.80227034804078,2.1230649948120117",
        "items" : [
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "cbf3d9f0-9311-40df-b4ac-b36ac9651335",
                "correct_answered" : false
      }, {
        "number" : 4,
        "items" : [
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "trigger_zone_condition" : {
                "item" : "22198909-a163-4709-8c5f-a398ac2e18fb",
                "type" : "item"
            }, {
              "trigger_zone_condition" : {
                "item" : "0983d6cf-1813-4a4b-8a3f-4810d7fb5716",
                "type" : "item"
        "end_quest_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "70d68b2a-3a80-4f4d-b893-a02dc9f25aed",
                "correct_answered" : false

Name: playback.

MTGObject’s playback algorithm describes how to play data inside MTGObject and its children.

Typical for tour, museum and collection objects.

Values: random, sequential or quest.

sequential – a consumer must follow a sequence of children MTGObjects one by one. Order is defined by order parameter, if set, a mobile application can use this data for making decisions which story to play. The first array element is the starting object to play. See “Museum Tours”), the section will include ordered exhibits and story_navigations UUIDs for collection and the order is important.

random – the same, as above, but order is not important. Typical for museum and tour objects.

quest - is a segmented object (see Quests), where a segment is set of assigned children (for example, tourist attractions) where a child is assigned to one segment only. First segment is always opened at start (available for the end-user). Other segments are opened on client side by quests conditions Open Segment when End Quest conditions indicate completion of the quest (see Segment). The playback type is defined in segments parameter. quest type is introduced in API version 1.3. Typical for tour objects.


Parameter JSON type & presence Description
type String (Mandatory) Playback type: random, sequential or quest.
order Array of Strings (Optional) List of UUIDs. Defines playback order of children MTGObjects for types random or sequential.
segments Array of Objects(Optional) An array of ordered Segment objects for quest playback type.



“purchase” section example:

  "purchase": {
    "price":      111.0,
    "currency":   "EUR"

Name: purchase.

Commercial content purchase details.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
price Number (Decimal(6,2)) (Mandatory) Content’s price.
currency String (Mandatory) Currency code according to ISO-4217


“schedule” section example:

    "schedule" : {
      "mon" : ["10:00", "18:00"],
      "tue" : ["10:00", "18:00"],
      "wed" : ["10:00", "18:00"],
      "thu" : ["10:00", "18:00"],
      "fri" : ["10:00", "18:00"],
      "sat" : ["11:00", "17:00"],
      "sun" : ["11:00", "15:00"]

Name: schedule.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
mon Array or Null Mandatory Monday working hours.
tue Array or Null Mandatory Tuesday working hours.
wed Array or Null Mandatory Wednesday working hours.
thu Array or Null Mandatory Thursday working hours.
fri Array or Null Mandatory Friday working hours.
sat Array or Null Mandatory Saturday working hours.
sun Array or Null Mandatory Sunday working hours.

See examples:


“quiz” section example:

  "quiz": {
    "question": "What do the three crosses in the coat of arms of Amsterdam represent? They represent the three:",
    "comment": "As the story goes, the three crosses represent the three torments which Amsterdam was struck by in Medieva times; the water, the fire and the plague. The correct answer is therefore answer 2.",
    "answers": [
        "content": "wealthy families that founded the city",
        "correct": false
        "content": "social classes: the clergy, nobility and bourgeoisie ",
        "correct": false
        "content": "medieval torments Amsterdam underwent",
        "correct": true
        "content": "principal neighbourhoods of the city",
        "correct": false

Name: quiz.

There are two types of quizzes: multiple-choice question and open-ended question.

multiple-choice question is a form of quiz when the end-user is asked to select one answer from an answers list where one answer is marked as correct.

open-ended question is a form of quiz when the end-user is asked to enter answer and API client checks correctness form the list of possible answers. This type is introduced in API version 1.3 (see Versioning)


Parameter JSON type & presence Description
type String (Mandatory) Type of quiz: choice (multiple-choice question) or enter (open-ended question). The field is introduced in API version 1.3 (see Versioning)
question String (Mandatory) Quiz’s question. Note: User Generated Data
comment String (Optional) The comment for a correct answer. Note: User Generated Data
answers Array of Objects (Mandatory) List of quiz answers (see below). The number of answers is up to 10. For choice quiz one answer is marked as correct, for enter quiz all answers are marked as correct.

quiz answer

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
content String (Mandatory) Answer’s content. Note: User Generated Data
correct Boolean (Mandatory) Mark of correctness.

See Get a tourist attraction example

Trigger Zone

polygon “trigger_zone” section example:

  "trigger_zone": {
    "type":            "polygon",
    "polygon_corners": "52.397921441224504,4.8016028153642765;52.4188651275828,4.835248445247089;52.42095894931356,4.788556550715839;52.40734733067369,4.778600190852558"

circle “trigger_zone” section example:

  "trigger_zone": {
    "type":             "circle",
    "circle_latitude":  52.4341477399124,
    "circle_longitude": 4.81567904827443,
    "circle_radius":    818.92609425069

Name: trigger_zone.

Place where media content must be played.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
type String (Mandatory) Trigger zone types: polygon – polygon shaped trigger zone provided in polygon_corners field, circle – circle shaped trigger zone provided in circle_altitude, circle_latitude, circle_longitude and circle_radius fields..
polygon_corners String (Optional) Semicolon separated list of polygon’s corners. A corner is comma separated latitude and longitude pair; or comma separated latitude, longitude and altitude triplet. Latitude, longitude and altitude values are Double.
circle_altitude Double (Optional) Circle center altitude. This parameter has zero value for now and reserved for future use and geocoding consistency.
circle_latitude Double (Optional) Circle center latitude.
circle_longitude Double (Optional) Circle center longitude.
circle_radius Double (Optional) Circle radius in meters.

See examples:


izi.TRAVEL allows to rate content like museum, collection, exhibit, tour and tourist_attraction, lets leave a review on the content and retrieve ratings/reviews for certain content and language. See Rating & Reviews endpoint.

izi.TRAVEL periodically calculates the average of ratings/reviews per content and provides it in optional section reviews of MTGObjects (Compact, Full forms) and in metadata section of Rating & Reviews endpoint responses.

Reviews section example:

  "reviews": {
    "rating_average": 7.76,
    "ratings_count": 134,
    "reviews_count": 134
Parameter JSON type & presence Description
rating_average Float (Mandatory) Average of all ratings [1..10], Museum’s ratings includes its Collections’ ratings.
ratings_count Number (Optional) Total number of ratings. [0..MAX_INT]
reviews_count Number (Optional) Total number of reviews. [0..MAX_INT]

5-Stars Rating

izi.TRAVEL clients use 5-Stars Rating and shall calculate value as “((Float)((floor(rating_average + 0.5)) / 2.0))”


izi.TRAVEL allows to reflect sponsors of content. Since API version 1.2.2. The section sponsors will be returned in MTGObject Full Form, if at least one sponsor object exists, sponsors included (see Includes/Except), and indicated API version is 1.2.2 or above (see Versioning).

Sponsors section example:

"sponsors": [
        "uuid": "5678455-5829-4115-becf-beda63db386a",
        "hash": "beaaa3af5bcdc53f0c45817e4332bcb25580aa21",
        "name": "izi.ADMIN",
        "website": "",
        "order"  : 1,
        "images" : [{
          "uuid" : "a3f93ef2-5829-4115-becf-beda63db386a",
          "type" : "sponsor_logo",
          "order" : 1,
          "hash" : "3aec6365e75adadf44f87a52893e706e",
          "size" : 5904
        "uuid": "ab783006-71bb-4f68-8812-069c48b6c19d",
        "hash": "beaaa3af5bcdc53f0c45817e4332bcb25580aa21",
        "name": "izi.TRAVEL",
        "website": "http://izi.TRAVEL",
        "order"  : 2,
        "images" : [{
          "uuid" : "12393ef2-5829-4115-becf-beda63db386a",
          "type" : "sponsor_logo",
          "order" : 1,
          "hash" : "df3c6365e75adadf44f87a52893e706e",
          "size" : 3456
        "uuid": "6989e47f-d13c-4286-9425-e0d2d3511cf9",
        "hash": "9e0d8adde8c82ef3e02961c197d2eaa0a3f4913b",
        "name": "izi.CMS",
        "website": "",
        "order"  : 3,
        "images" : [{
          "uuid" : "78393ef2-5829-4115-becf-beda63db386a",
          "type" : "sponsor_logo",
          "order" : 1,
          "hash" : "333c6365e75adadf44f87a52893e706e",
          "size" : 12456
Parameter JSON type & presence Description
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of sponsor object
hash String (Mandatory) Hash reflects a specific version of the sponsor object.
name String (Mandatory) Not localized name of sponsor (up to 250 symbols). Note: User Generated Data
website String (Mandatory) Web-site link (up to 250 symbols). Note: User Generated Data
order Number (Mandatory) Order of the element in the sponsors list, started from 1. Sponsors list shall be shown in ascending order.
images Array (Mandatory) An array of images, see Media and IMAGE (SPONSOR LOGO) in Media Access. The array keeps only one element with sponsor square logo.


“quest” playback example:

  "playback" : {
    "type" : "quest",
    "segments" : [{
        "number" : 1,
        "items" : [
        "route" : "48.80039058355627,2.1286654472351074;48.79865209204335,2.1266698837280273;48.79866622636362,2.124481201171875"
      }, {
        "number" : 2,
        "items" : [
        "route" : "48.79829873274176,2.122635841369629;48.79771921809848,2.1233439445495605;48.79626333470221,2.122378349304199;48.79607251190181,2.1217453479766846;48.7964188194103,2.1213698387145996",
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "cbf3d9f0-9311-40df-b4ac-b36ac9651335",
                "correct_answered" : true
      }, {
        "number" : 3,
        "route" : "48.79637641453771,2.121155261993408;48.79835527039732,2.1184515953063965;48.80002310256765,2.119760513305664;48.80014324087938,2.124577760696411;48.80227034804078,2.1230649948120117",
        "items" : [
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "cbf3d9f0-9311-40df-b4ac-b36ac9651335",
                "correct_answered" : false
      }, {
        "number" : 4,
        "items" : [
        "open_segment_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "trigger_zone_condition" : {
                "item" : "22198909-a163-4709-8c5f-a398ac2e18fb",
                "type" : "item"
            }, {
              "trigger_zone_condition" : {
                "item" : "0983d6cf-1813-4a4b-8a3f-4810d7fb5716",
                "type" : "item"
        "end_quest_when" : {
          "or" : [{
              "quiz_condition" : {
                "item" : "70d68b2a-3a80-4f4d-b893-a02dc9f25aed",
                "correct_answered" : false

Name: segment.

An audio guide can be segmented, for example, quest (see Quests overview), where a segment object represents a part of a guide as a set of guide children belong to the segment. A guide can define different ways of guide passing using segmented approach. The definition is represented in Playback algorithm. The guide branching based on certain conditions. For example, in quest guide, next segment will be visible to the end-user on correct answer of a quiz, another segment will be visible on incorrect answer of the quiz or on entering to a trigger zone.

In first releases there are two conditions: quiz and trigger zone of objects, however, in future other types can be added, e.g. depending on time/date, arbitrary trigger zone, audio playing completion, scanning of QR code, etc.

On End Quest, the client shall show closing_line - to congratulate the end-user with successful end of quest, see section Content. The closing_line is optional and the client shall form own congratulation message if the closing_line is not provided. The closing_line can keep URLs to quest author pages.

The system usually returns an object and its children depending on requested language and publications states, for example, for a tour T1 on en language request, an end-point will return tourist attractions TA1, TA2 as they have en language profiles and are in published state, for another request where nl language and pass-code (password) indicated, the end-point will return TA1, TA3, TA4 as only these tourist attractions have nl profiles and are in state published or limited.

Please note, the playback algorithm does not depend on existing languages profiles and publications status and keeps all guide objects, otherwise, the playback algorithm does not make sense. In izi.TRAVEL CMS such guide will be passed via validation mechanism by content author (provider) request, however, clients shall correctly process possible invalid state of playback algorithm, for example, if some quest has a quiz conditional point that opens another segment, but the point does not have quiz for certain language, the client shall notify end-user about inability to play quest as well as push warning to own logging/alert system or proposing to leave a review to be further reported to the content author.

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
number Integer(Mandatory) Unique segment number, the numbering started from 1. First segment in Quests is always opened segment (visible to the end-user).
route String(Optional) Route of segment expressed as a string with the format: lat,lon;lat,lon;.... Typical for tour.
items Array of Strings(Mandatory) An array of children UUIDs assigned to the segment (ordered).
end_quest_when Object(Optional) Defines conditions of quest ending via operators or or and. See below.
open_segment_when Object(Optional) Defines conditions of segment opening via operators or or and. See below.

Operator or

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
or Arrays(Mandatory) Array of conditions. Boolean expression is true if one of condition is true.

Operator and

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
and Arrays(Mandatory) Array of conditions. Boolean expression is true if all of conditions are true.


“quiz” condition example:

  "quiz_condition" : {
    "item" : "cbf3d9f0-9311-40df-b4ac-b36ac9651335",
    "correct_answered" : true

“trigger_zone” condition example:

  "trigger_zone_condition" : {
    "item" : "22198909-a163-4709-8c5f-a398ac2e18fb",
    "type" : "item"

Conditions are used in playback algorithm, for example, in Quests, see Playback and Segment.

Quiz Condition

Name: quiz_condition

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
item String(Mandatory) UUID of object that have Quiz.
correct_answered Boolean(Optional) Defines if quize correctly answered. Default: true.

quiz_condition is true for quiz of item if:

otherwise, quiz_condition is false.

Trigger Zone Condition

Name: trigger_zone_condition

Parameter JSON type & presence Description
item String(Mandatory) UUID of object that have Trigger Zones.
type String(Mandatory) Defines the type of trigger zone. For first content releases the value is item, other types can be added in future similar to Trigger Zone.

trigger_zone_condition is true when the end-user enters to any trigger zones of item.


Endpoint Description
/mtg/objects/search Search for resources in izi.TRAVEL Directory.
/mtgobjects/:uuid Get a specific MTGObject from izi.TRAVEL Directory.
/mtgobjects/batch/:uuid,:uuid,:uuid Get multiple MTGObjects.
/mtgobjects/:uuid/children/count Get the number of MTGObject’s children.
/mtgobjects/:uuid/children Get children of MTGObject.
/mtgobjects/:uuid/parents Get parents of MTGObject.
/mtgobjects/ip Get Museum MTGObject by external IP address.
/mtgobjects/:uuid/media_for_recognition Get media (images) for recognition.
/cities Get a list of izi.TRAVEL City objects.
/cities/:uuid Get City object.
/cities/:uuid/children Get children of City.
/cities/:uuid/children/count Get the number of City’s children.
/cities/:uuid/country Get Country object of City.
/countries Get a list of izi.TRAVEL Country objects.
/countries/:uuid Get Country object.
/countries/:uuid/children Get children of Country.
/countries/:uuid/cities Get Cities object of Country.
/mtg/publishers/:uuid Get Publisher object.
/mtg/publishers/:uuid/children Get children of Publisher.
/mtg/publishers/:uuid/children/count Get the number of Publisher’s children.
/mtg/publishers/:uuid/children/languages Get Languages of Publisher’s children.
Featured Content
/featured Get featured content for izi.TRAVEL Website.
/featured/mobile Get featured content for izi.TRAVEL Applications.
Rating & Reviews
/mtgobjects/:uuid/reviews Get, Post Ratings/Reviews.
/languages/used Get ‘Used’ Languages.
/languages/supported Get 'Supported’ Languages.
/mtg/objects/:uuid/presence Detect object presence by some UUID.

Search for MTGObjects, Cities and Countries

Find all cities which have content on English language and sort them by name:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Find all tours, cities and countries which have content in English and Dutch and also have ams in their title:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f"  -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',nl&type=city,country,tour&query=ams'

Find all countries which have content in Russian and sort them alphabetically:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Find all tours with English language, do not include publisher section to results Compact MTGObjects, but include city section:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Find all museums and collections with English language for only two Publishers (availble form version 1.2.4):

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',collection&publishers=69eb8c07-ce14-4839-ba3d-f4686ea3c9d2,50b5f15b-7328-4509-8250-d36a523292b3'

Search for resources in izi.TRAVEL Directory, based on many filters parameters, supporting full-text and geo- searching, transparent sorting and pagination.



Objects filtering by types

By default, the search is applied to museums and tours. To include other objects types and find only certain types, the &type= parameter can be used, indicating one type or several types: museum, tour, city, country, collection, exhibit, tourist_attraction or story_navigation.

Starting from API version 1.6, tours can be filtered by playback type:

By default, the search is applied to museums and tours. To include other objects types and find only certain types, the &type= parameter can be used, indicating one type or several types: museum, tour, city, country, collection, exhibit, tourist_attraction or story_navigation.

The search API allows to filter content localized for certain languages (see Languages), as well as limited content (see Limited content access).

Query (Full Text Search)

The search API allows to execute a search query and get back search hits that match the query parameter.

query search is applied across three fields of MTGObjects :
- title field of MTGObject, see title in Compact Form and in Content of Full Form
- desc (description) of MTGObject, see desc in Content of Full Form. A story description can have HTML tags and HTML encoded characters. Starting form July 2106, the end-point strips diacritics and HTML elements from the descriptions replacing HTML entities with their decoded value at search time (not in original descriptions) Example: 1) Original description: <p>Par&iacute;s</p>; 2) HTML stripped description for search: París 3) Final description for search after diacritics stripping and lowercase: paris. In other words, Paris or París query strings will match content with Paris or París or Par&iacute;s.
- city names and country names of the object. The search will be made in all translations of assigned city and country. For example, if there are only published content on en language in Paris city and the end-user typed Parijs, the en content was not returned before July 2016 even the city has translation Parijs on nl language, starting from the July 2016 improvement the end-point will return content en if &query= value matches translations of city/country as well, in this case matches Parijs.

query search is applied on title field of City/Country objects. See title in City Compact Form or in ‘Content’ of Full Form; in Country Compact Form or in 'Content’ of Full Form. Please note: by default, city and country no included in search. See type parameter in request below. For city objects (starting from July 2016), the search will be made in all translations of assigned country.

query search is applied on fields depending on languages passed in parameter &languages=. In other words, query will be made on localized versions of content (if exist for passed languages).

query search will be done from the beginning of words. For example, if a title is “Amsterdam Museum”, than &query=Amster or &query=Mus will match the title, when &query=terdam or &query=seum will not.

query performs case insensitive search, for example, if a title is “Walters Art of Museum”, the following examples &query=WALTERS, &query=aRT, &query=MuseuM will match the title.

Starting from July 2016, the end-point strips diacritics, Before, if the end-user enters 'París’ with a dicritic – only content exactly matched query string 'París’ was returned, now the end-point will match 'Paris’, 'París’ for 'París’ query string and vice versa - will match 'Paris’, 'París’ for 'Paris’ query string.

If there are several words (tokens) in query parameter, the search will use AND operator for the tokens. For example, if a description is “Beautiful canal houses, world famous museums and bustling market squares.”, the following examples &query=Beautiful canal house, &query=Beautiful Houses and Museums will match the description, when &query=All Beautiful Houses and Museums will not due to “All” token.

Geo Search

Search geo-areas

The end-point provides an ability to search objects in some geo-area, for example, to show nearest attractions for the end-user. The geo-area is indicated by &lat_lon= and &radius= parameters. However, actual search geo-area will be a rectangle (square) that embeds the circle. In additional, the end-point offers excluding some geo-area from a search at the same time, using &ex_lat_lon= and &ex_radius= parameters.

From API version 1.6, the search geo-area can be set by arbitrary bounding box using parameter &bbox=. The same thing for exclusion geo-area - &ex_bbox= parameter can be used instead of &ex_lat_lon= and &ex_radius=. The format of &bbox= and &ex_bbox= is comma separated coordinates: s,w,n,e (bottom, left, top, right), example: &bbox=59.562249,30.108907,59.564046,30.112454.


Example: Search in some geo-area by arbitrary box, excluding geo-area indicated by geo-point and radius - &bbox=52.36,4.7;52.38,4.9&ex_lat_lon=52.3758981,4.898879&ex_radius=200

Please note, in case of &lat_lon= indication, the objects in responses are sorted (last sort, see 'SORTING’ below) by distance from &lat_lon= to object’s location (location of tour’s nearest TA or object’s location for other objects types). If objects do not have location (see also geo_distance) its will be at the end of the geo-sorted list. When &radius= is used, the &lat_lon= parameter is mandatory, and sorting by Geo-distance is always last made. &lat_lon= is not required for &bbox= parameter and you shall set &lat_lon= to have sorting by Geo-distance (See 'Current geo distance’ and 'SORTING’ below).

Geo search type

By default, the end-point will find objects in some geo-area by interception with map bounds of objects. In API version 1.6, new parameter &geo_search_type= was added with values map_bounds and location. Note: &geo_search_type=map_bounds can be omitted as it is default behavior for the end-point.

In case of map_bounds search type and indicating requested geo-area (inclusion and/or exclusion):

In case of location search type and indicating requested geo-area (inclusion and/or exclusion):

Current geo distance

Starting from API version 1.6, if &includes= parameter will keep geo_distance word and &lat_lon= parameter will be indicated, objects in the response can keep geo_distance numeric field reflecting distance in meters from &lat_lon= geo-point to the object location: it is distance to a nearest published/limited tourist attraction for tours, and, it is distance to Location for other object types. The geo_distance field is optional and objects without geo_distance will be at the end of the geo-sorted list. See p.4 in 'SORTING’ chapter below.

Tour’s locations

Starting from API version 1.6, if &includes= parameter will keep locations word, the response for a tour can keep locations of all published and limited tourist attractions of the tour in format “lat,lon;lat,lon;...;lat,lon”. Please note, locations in responses is optional field.

Free Walking Mode (FWM)

Starting from API version 1.6, there is a filter for Free Walking Mode. If &fwm=true will be indicated in the search end-point, only content available in FWM will be returned:

Filtering by rating

Starting from API version 1.4, rated content (museum, collection, tour) can be filtered by rating_average (see Rating & Reviews) as well as sorting by rating (see below). To filter content by rating, the following parameters rating_min and rating_max shall be used. The value of the parameters is integer from 0 to 10 where 0 is used for not rated yet content. Please note, izi.TRAVEL clients use 5-Stars rating for the end-users (see Rating & Reviews), so rating_average values 10, 8, 5, 2 are 5, 4, 2.5, 1 in 5-Starts rating respectively.

- Default value for rating_min is 0.
- Default value for rating_max is 10.
- If rating_min and rating_max values are not integers or not in [0..10], an HTTP Error 400 “Bad Request” will be returned.
- If both rating_min and rating_max are indicated, rating_min shall be equal to or less than rating_max, otherwise, an HTTP Error 400 “Bad Request” will be returned.

- &rating_min=4 filters content that has rating equal to or greater than 4 (from 2 to 5 in 5-Stars)
- &rating_min=10 filters content that has rating equal to or greater than 10 (only 5 in 5-Stars)
- &rating_min=4&rating_max=8 filters content that has rating equal to or greater than 4 and equal to or less than 8 (from 2 to 4 in 5-Stars, note: rating_average, for example, with value 4.25 will not be in the range)
- &rating_max=7 filters content that does not rated yet or has rating equal to or less than 7 (from 0 to 3.5 in 5-Stars)
- &rating_max=0 filters content that does not rated yet (0 in 5-Stars)
- &rating_min=4&rating_max=4 filters content that has rating equal to 4 only, in other words, only content that has exactly 4.0 in rating_average field, not 4.1 or 3.9)

Publishers scope

From API version 1.2.4 (see Versioning), an ability to limit existing search by publisher or several publishers has been added.

If clients will pass one or several Publishers’ UUID’s using parameter &publishers= and indicate API version 1.2.4 or above, the end-point /mtg/objects/search will make search of tours/museums (or objects with types indicated in type parameter) for only passed Publisher’s UUID’s, preserving filters, sorting and other parameters, like geo-distance, sorting by title or parameter includes/except.



Special Projects

Special Project is a promotion content in additional to Editor Choice featured content. Special Projects are used to create an interest to outstanding content or special actions in certain region: tours, quests or museums.

A client could show the special projects in dedicated UI section by filtering only special projects using &filters=special_project parameter and indicating region using geo-search filtering, like certain bounding box (&bbox=) or city (&region=<City UUID>).

Special Projects have internal positive weight (not provided via API) to order content depending on the promotion value, the weight of non special projects content can be treated as zero. To sort special projects, a client shall add to request &sort_by=special_project parameter (see SORTING section below) that will sort special projects in descending order (most rated/promoted on top).

For special projects, a client shall use summary field of content, see MTGObject Full Form and MTGObject Compact Form. If the summary filed is empty, the client shall use the title field.

Other filters parameters you can find in PARAMETERS table below.


Starting from API version 1.6 a new form called short is introduced in the end-point in additional to compact. The form allows improving performance of API calls by reducing traffic. If &form=short is indicated, the response will include only object’s uuid, type and hash. If a client uses caches, it can show objects from the cache or, in case of missing or outdated object (hash value), it can retrieve such objects using /mtgobjects/batch/:uuid,:uuid,:uuid end-point.

There are three optional fields can be added to response:

See example Tours: search and return in short form


1) If results keeps City or Country objects in additional to museum, tour, etc, Country objects will be returned first, next City objects and finally rest of objects. Each set will be sorted according to next sorting criteria.

2) If &sort_by=special_project parameter is indicated, content that marked as special projects will be sorted (see Special Projects above in FILTERS (SEARCH SCOPE) section). When special projects have positive weight, the weight of non special projects content can be treated as zero. &sort_by=special_project will sort special projects in descending order (most rated/promoted on top), it’s equivalent to &sort_by=special_project:desc (format of &sort_by= parameter see below). If not only special projects were filtered, not special projects content will be after the sorted special projects.

3) Results will be sorted by relevance - with the most relevant results first, for example, when query search is used.

4) If sort_by parameter(s) is(are) indicated, correspondent sorting will be applied on results. The format of the parameter is the following &sort_by=<type>:<order>, where <type> is by rating, by popularity or by title and optional <order> that defines sort in ascending or in descending orders, values asc or desc.

By rating - sorts by rating of tours, museums, collections in descending order (similar to &sort_by=rating:desc), to return in ascending order indicate &sort_by=rating:asc;

By popularity - sorts by popularity of tours, museums in descending order (similar to &sort_by=popularity:desc), to return in ascending order indicate &sort_by=popularity:asc;

By title - sorts by localized title of tour, museum in ascending order (similar to &sort_by=title:asc), to return in descending order indicate &sort_by=title:desc.

Important note: if several languages are passed in the request and there are publisher’s tours, museums with several translations intercepted with passed languages, the sorting by title can be broken, in other words, sorting by title will correctly work when one language is passed via &languages= parameter.

One, two or all sort_by types can be indicated, for example, for sorting using all types use the following format &sort_by[]=popularity:desc&sort_by[]=rating:desc&sort_by[]=title:asc. When several sort_by are indicated the following order will be always applied: first by rating, next by popularity, next by title.

5) Next geo distance sorting will be applied where search results will be sorted by distance from a geo point &lat_lon= parameter (if indicated) to a nearest published/limited tourist attraction for tours and to Location for other object types. Please note, if &lat_lon= indicated and the geo sorting is made, objects without location (geo_distance) will be at the end of the geo sorted list.

6) Otherwise, last sorting will be by an internal immutable order.

HTTP Request



Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.
type Array (Optional) List of requested types of objects, defaults are tour and museum.
Applicable values: museum, tour, city, country, collection, exhibit, tourist_attraction and story_navigation. Starting from API version 1.4 (see Versioning), quest type can be used to filter tours with playback type quest only, if the type parameter will keep tour and quest values, the quest will be ignored and tours with any playback types will be filtered.
publishers Array of UUIDs (Optional) Array of Publishers UUID’s. Defines a limit (filter) to make search in certain Publishers.
Available from API version 1.2.4.
See `Publishers scope’ description above.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
except Array (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form MTGObjects shall be returned in response: compact, short or full.

Default is compact. See Compact Form.

short form is available from API version 1.6, see 'SHORT FORM’ section above.

full form is depecated and was used for debugging purposes only, as a request can be processed for long time. See Full Form of MTGObjects.
cost String (Optional) Values: free or paid. In case of free only free content will be returned, in case of paid - only paid content will be returned.
query String (Optional) Query for full-text search
region String (Optional) UUID of the city or country, limits search by city or country with provided UUID of city/country
lat_lon String (Optional) Geo location used to sort found MTGObjects from provided point and with parameter radius to search in certain geo-area, see 'Geo Search’ above.
radius String (Optional) Radius in meters, used only with lat_lon parameter to search MTGObjects in geo-area. From API version 1.6 another bbox parameter can be used, see 'Geo Search’ above.
ex_lat_lon String (Optional) Geo location, used only with ex_radius to exclude from area search certain area. From API version 1.6 another ex_bbox parameter can be used, see 'Geo Search’ above.
ex_radius String (Optional) Radius in meters, used only with ex_lat_lon to exclude from area search certain area. From API version 1.6 another ex_bbox parameter can be used, see 'Geo Search’ above.
bbox String (Otional) Defines search geo-area as an arbitrary bounding box. See details of usage and format above, in section 'Search geo-areas’. Available from API version 1.6.
ex_bbox String (Otional) Defines search exclusion geo-area as an arbitrary bounding box. See details of usage and format above, in section 'Search geo-areas’. Available from API version 1.6.
geo_search_type String (Optional) Defines geo search type. Values: map_bounds (default) or location. For details see section 'Geo search type’ above.
sort_by String (Optional) Sorting options. See SORTING section above.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section. Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection.
limit String (Optional) Limit, default is 50.
offset String (Optional) Offset, default is 0.
fwm Boolean (Optional) If value true, filters only content available in Free Wallking Mode (FWM). See FILTERS (SEARCH SCOPE) description above. Default value is false. Available form API version 1.6 (see Versioning).
rating_min Number(Optional) Filters content with rating equal or greater than rating_min, integer values [0..10]. See FILTERS (SEARCH SCOPE) description above and rating_max parameter. Available form API version 1.4 (see Versioning).
rating_max Number(Optional) Filters content with rating equal or lesse than rating_max, integer values [0..10]. See FILTERS (SEARCH SCOPE) description above and rating_min parameter. Available form API version 1.4 (see Versioning).
filters Strings (Optional) Comma separated special filters. There is only one filter for now: special_project. See FILTERS (SEARCH SCOPE) and SORTING sections above.
tours_categories Arrays(optional) Allows to filter random tours by certain categories only, see 'Objects filtering by types’. The parameter can keep one, several or all categories (see category field in MTGObject Full Form, MTGObject Compact Form): walk,bike,bus,car,boat,running,train,horseriding. The filtering is available from API version 1.8. Example: &type=museum,tour_random,tour_quest&tours_categories=bus,train,car will filter museums, quests and random tours when random tours have category bus or car or train; the following example is similar to previous one &type=museum,tour&tours_categories=bus,train,car.


An array of various MTGObjects (Museum, Tour, Collection, Navigational Story, Tourist Attraction) and City, Country objects. Or an empty array.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get MTGObject

Get English version:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Get English version in compact form including city section:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Get a MTGObject by UUID (Museum, Collection, Exhibit, Tour, Tourist Attraction, Navigational Story)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of the MTGObject (in path)
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
except Array (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form MTGObjects shall be returned in response: compact or full. Default is full. See Compact and Full Forms of MTGObjects.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section. Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection.
audio_duration Boolean (Optional) Defines if the total audio durartion shall be added to returned MTGObject(s). Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection. Field ‘audio_duration’ will be added to root of compact form and to content section of full form. The value of 'audio_duration’ is integer and keeps total duration in seconds of the object and children.


An array with a MTGObject.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get multiple MTGObjects

Get two objects:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',2e7f5302-6ff3-4c0e-9820-75dcd04c425e?languages=en'

Get MTGObjects by multiple UUIDs of MTGObjects. This endpoint considers only following types of objects: Museum, Tour, Tourist Attraction, Navigational Story, Collection, Exhibit. If you pass uuid of Publisher/City/Country, API will ignore it.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
except Array (Optional) List of sections taht should NOT be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form MTGObjects shall be returned in response: compact or full. Default is compact. See Compact and Full Forms of MTGObjects.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section. Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection.
audio_duration Boolean (Optional) Defines if the total audio duration shall be added to returned MTGObject(s). Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection. Field 'audio_duration’ will be added to root of compact form and to content section of full form. The value of 'audio_duration’ is integer and keeps total duration in seconds of the object and children.


An array of MTGObjects.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get the number of MTGObject’s children

Get the number of children with enlish version of content:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Get the number of children of a MTGObject.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
uuid Mandatory UUID of the MTGObject (in path)
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.
type Array (Optional) Array of requested types of children, i.e. for Museum children could be exhibit or collection, while for Tour children could be tourist_attraction or story_navigation, for collection it is exhibit, however, starting from API version 1.2.3, story_navigation will be returned as well for collection, see “Museum Tours”.


Amount of children of MTGObject with requested UUID as integer.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get children of MTGObject

Get russian version of children:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Get children of the MTGObject.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
except Array (Optional) List of sections taht should NOT be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form MTGObjects shall be returned in response: compact or full. Default is full. See Compact and Full Forms of MTGObjects.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section. Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection.
audio_duration Boolean (Optional) Defines if the total audio duration shall be added to returned MTGObject(s). Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection. Field ‘audio_duration’ will be added to root of compact form and to content section of full form. The value of 'audio_duration’ is integer and keeps total duration in seconds of the object and children.
limit String (Optional) Limit, defaults to 50
offset String (Optional) Offset, defaults to 0
type Array (Optional) Array of requested types of children, i.e. for Museum children could be exhibit or collection, while for Tour children could be tourist_attraction or story_navigation, for collection it is exhibit, however, starting from API version 1.2.3, story_navigation will be returned as well for collection, see “Museum Tours”.
show_hidden String (Optional) If it set to true, then hidden tourist_attraction will be returned.


An array of MTGObjects (or empty).

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get Museum MTGObject by external IP address


curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Try to find a museum using its external IP address. IP address is detected by server.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
except Array (Optional) List of sections taht should NOT be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form MTGObjects shall be returned in response: compact or full. Default is full. See Compact and Full Forms of MTGObjects.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section. Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection.
audio_duration Boolean (Optional) Defines if the total audio duration shall be added to returned MTGObject(s). Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection. Field ‘audio_duration’ will be added to root of compact form and to content section of full form. The value of 'audio_duration’ is integer and keeps total duration in seconds of the object and children.


An array with a MTGObject (or empty array).

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get parents of MTGObject

Get parents of 7061495d-f2bf-43e2-9f3b-e232b2a921b9 object that published and has published profile on en language:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''

Get parents of MTGObject.

If the object with provided uuid has not been found (does not depend on filtering parameters), 404 ‘Not Found’ will be returned. Otherwise an array of parents MTGObjects depending on filtering, like languages, publishing statuses etc. If there are no parents or do not follow filters, an empty array can be returned.

Child type Parents uuids
Museum Model
museum None
collection Museum
story_navigation in collection Collection
exhibit Museum and collections (if exhibit assigned to one or several collections)
Tour Model
tour None
story_navigation in tour Tour
tourist_attraction Tours the tourist_attraction assigned to or zero

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
except Array (Optional) List of sections taht should NOT be included to MTGObject. See Includes/Except.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form MTGObjects shall be returned in response: compact or full. Default is compact. See Compact and Full Forms of MTGObjects.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section. Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection.
audio_duration Boolean (Optional) Defines if the total audio duration shall be added to returned MTGObject(s). Values: true or false. Default value: false. Makes sense for MTGObjects museum, tour or collection. Field 'audio_duration’ will be added to root of compact form and to content section of full form. The value of 'audio_duration’ is integer and keeps total duration in seconds of the object and children.
limit String (Optional) Limit, default is 20, maximum is 100, minimum is 1.
offset String (Optional) Offset, default is 0.


An array of MTGObjects. If there are no parents or do not follow filters, an empty array can be returned.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get list of Cities

Example: Get third and forth found cities with English content:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "uuid" : "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
    "type" : "city",
    "languages" : ["nl", "de", "en", "ru", "it", "es", "fr", "ja"],
    "status" : "published",
    "map" : {
      "bounds" : "52.3182742,4.7288558,52.4311573,5.0683775"
    "hash" : "68ad379344ed90799b8171f0acda9f62180d9905",
    "visible" : true,
    "title" : "Amsterdam",
    "summary" : "",
    "language" : "en",
    "images" : [{
        "uuid" : "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
        "type" : "city",
        "order" : 1
    "location" : {
      "altitude" : 0.0,
      "latitude" : 52.3702157,
      "longitude" : 4.8951679,
      "country_code" : "nl",
      "country_uuid" : "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "0bf4768a-1a01-4ec5-a0bf-6bce751ea7fc",
    "type" : "city",
    "languages" : ["en"],
    "status" : "published",
    "map" : {
      "bounds" : "38.8392874511946,-76.6596412658691,39.1239400293122,-76.2738990783692"
    "hash" : "1390b270c87271825600410ba4ed52cf9154c7f3",
    "visible" : false,
    "title" : "Annapolis",
    "summary" : "",
    "language" : "en",
    "location" : {
      "altitude" : 0.0,
      "latitude" : 38.9868340945628,
      "longitude" : -76.4894476015625,
      "country_code" : "us",
      "country_uuid" : "cbdbad93-08d3-4ce9-bcbd-8d9cee7ca35c"

Get list of City objects that have content on requested languages.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for Cities content. See Languages for details.
visible String (Mandatory) If it equals to ‘true’, then returns cities marked as visible only.
limit String (Optional) Limit for pagination, defaults to 20
offset String (Optional) Offset for pagination, defaults to 0
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to City object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values city_images.
except String (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included to City object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values city_images.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form form response should be displayed: compact or full Default is compact. See City object Full and Compact forms.


An array of city objects that have content on requested languages represented as a list of City objects in Full or Compact forms without translation section. Returns empty list of there are no matched cities.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get City

Get “Amsterdam” City by uuid with translations:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
    "type": "city",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "translations": [
            "name": "Amsterdam",
            "language": "en"
            "name": "Amesterdão",
            "language": "pt"
            "name": "Amsterdam",
            "language": "ro"
            "name": "Amsterdam",
            "language": "it"
            "name": "Амстердам",
            "language": "ru"
            "name": "Amsterdam",
            "language": "de"
            "name": "阿姆斯特丹",
            "language": "zh"
            "name": "Amsterdam",
            "language": "fr"
            "name": "Amsterdam",
            "language": "nl"
            "name": "Ámsterdam",
            "language": "es"
            "name": "Amsterdam",
            "language": "sv"
    "map": {
        "bounds": "52.3182742,4.7288558,52.4311573,5.0683775"
    "hash": "68ad379344ed90799b8171f0acda9f62180d9905",
    "visible": true,
    "content": [
            "title": "Amsterdam",
            "summary": "",
            "desc": "",
            "language": "nl",
            "images": [
                    "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
                    "type": "city",
                    "order": 1
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.3702157,
        "longitude": 4.8951679,
        "country_code": "nl",
        "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"

Get City object by UUID.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of City in path
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for City content. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to City object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values city_images and translations.
except String (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included to City object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values city_images and translations.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form form response should be displayed: compact or full Default is full. See City object Full and Compact forms.


City object represented in Full or Compact form. Returns 404 HTTP code if there is no City with provided UUID.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get City’s children

Get second child of “Amsterdam” City:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
        "uuid": "b73ca184-534c-4387-8620-1d2f9d3ed61c",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "duration": 2403,
        "distance": 2671,
        "placement": "outdoor",
        "languages": [
        "map": {
            "bounds": "52.31197481481294,4.931491924881016,52.318048554671,4.947323799133301"
        "hash": "4bf8ed1f0ae9f27674461cc79964f0f18d38048d",
        "children_count": 30,
        "route": "52.312563837315,4.946292354225193;52.312622869281,4.94486541902927;52.31276061023,4.942097379325901;52.312806523784,4.940820647834812;52.312937705105,4.9405846134415015;52.313810051004,4.939726306556736;52.314780761567,4.938792897819667;52.31419046714,4.936958266853367;52.313737902747,4.935322119354282;52.313516538044,4.934581829666172;52.314769283695,4.933423115371738;52.315766207777,4.932532621978794;52.315831794101,4.932146383880536;52.316599146864,4.931491924881016;52.316789343354,4.931845976470981;52.316946746728,4.931727959274326;52.31735336952,4.932500435470615;52.31770096346,4.933852268814121;52.318048554671,4.935032440780674;52.317832130276,4.936480833648716;52.317510770888,4.937521530746494;52.317018889754,4.937939955352817;52.316290895643,4.938454939483677;52.316612263889,4.939441992401271;52.317005772849,4.94062216436771;52.316527003153,4.941137148498569;52.315943290627,4.941652132629429;52.31557600689,4.940568520187412;52.315051310549,4.939152313827435;52.313739542482,4.9402681127776304",
        "content_provider": {
            "uuid": "5a213a70-68ee-4a56-99d8-d701e1b589dc",
            "name": "",
            "copyright": " Alle rechten voorbehouden."
        "images": [
                "uuid": "0c69a0e9-ebf9-4042-bd6c-7e13ffe754b3",
                "type": "story",
                "order": 1,
                "hash": "79e3170cb0962e26fbf7e2d6f1a69d9a",
                "size": 134259
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "city_uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
            "country_code": "nl",
            "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
            "latitude": 52.312563837315,
            "longitude": 4.94629235422519
        "language": "nl",
        "summary": "Sport, cultuur, shoppen en entertainment - het komt allemaal samen, hier in de ArenAPoort.",
        "title": "Amsterdam ArenA"

Get City’s children (museums, tours)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of City in path
limit String (Optional) Limit for pagination, defaults to 20
offset String (Optional) Offset for pagination, defaults to 0
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for City content (children localizations). See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included into response. See Includes/Except for MTGObjects - note: returned MTGObjects will not have city and country sections.
except String (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included in response. See Includes/Except for MTGObjects - note: returned MTGObjects will not have city and country sections.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form response (MTGObjects) should be displayed: compact or full Default is compact. See Compact and Full MTGObjects.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section Values: true or false. Default value: false.
type Array (Optional) Array of requested types of children: museum, tour. Example: get only museums &type=museum, get museums and tours (default) &type[]=museum,tour


Array of Tours and Museums which belongs to the city represented as a list of Compact or Full MTGObjects without city and country sections. Returns 404 HTTP code if there is no City with provided UUID.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get the number of City’s children

Get the number of children of “Amsterdam” City for English and Russian content:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',ru'

Resonse as integer:


Get the number of City’s children (museums, tours)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of City in path
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for City content (children localizations). See Languages for details.


Number of children of requested City on requested languages (returned as an integer).

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get City’s Country

Get Country of “Amsterdam” City, first try to return in 'nl’, then 'en’ and finally in 'ru’ languages:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',en,ru'
    "uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
    "type": "country",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "map": {
        "bounds": "50.75038379999999,3.357962,53.5560213,7.227510199999999"
    "hash": "625fa5ae924390fdc162e25d704549f83ec2dac8",
    "country_code": "nl",
    "content": [
            "title": "Nederland",
            "summary": "",
            "desc": "",
            "language": "nl"
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.132633,
        "longitude": 5.291266

The same request as above, however, the result in compact form:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',en,ru&form=compact'
    "uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
    "type": "country",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "map": {
        "bounds": "50.75038379999999,3.357962,53.5560213,7.227510199999999"
    "hash": "625fa5ae924390fdc162e25d704549f83ec2dac8",
    "country_code": "nl",
    "title": "Nederland",
    "summary": "",
    "language": "nl",
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.132633,
        "longitude": 5.291266

Get Country of City.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of City in path
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for City/Contry content (children localizations). See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to Country Object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values translations.
except Array (Optional) List of sections that should be excluded from Country object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values translations.
form Array (Optional) Defines in what form response should be displayed: compact or full. Default is full. See Country object Full and Compact forms.


Country object represented in Full or Compact. Returns 404 HTTP code if there is no City with provided UUID or City does not have Country.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get list of Countries

Example: Get Countries with English content and offset as 10:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
        "uuid": "47fd550d-8e85-4ece-9b51-b051ff3e9a80",
        "type": "country",
        "languages": [
        "status": "published",
        "map": {
            "bounds": "48.5518081,12.090589,51.0557185,18.8592361"
        "hash": "c8750cd079c72927e68c7e5ffb616184b329b792",
        "country_code": "cz",
        "title": "Czech Republic",
        "summary": "",
        "language": "en",
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "latitude": 49.817492,
            "longitude": 15.472962
        "uuid": "1887c4fa-10b3-4125-b316-5e1936a52ec4",
        "type": "country",
        "languages": [
        "status": "published",
        "map": {
            "bounds": "54.5591211,8.072240899999999,57.7518131,15.1972813"
        "hash": "9a2e63bc8cc7b7e17c4bd307d856d4b66c4eda09",
        "country_code": "dk",
        "title": "Denmark",
        "summary": "",
        "language": "en",
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "latitude": 56.26392,
            "longitude": 9.501785

Get list of Country objects which have content on requested languages.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for Country content (children localizations). See Languages for details.
limit String (Optional) Limit for pagination, defaults to 20
offset String (Optional) Offset for pagination, defaults to 0
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to Country objects. See Includes/Except. Applicable values translations.
except Array (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included to Country objects. See Includes/Except. Applicable values translations.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form form response should be displayed: compact or full Default is compact. See Country object Full and Compact forms.


An array of Country objects that have content on requested languages represented as a list of Country objects in Full or Compact forms. Returns empty list if there are no matched countries.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get Country

Get “Netherlands” Country by uuid for English version:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
    "type": "country",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "map": {
        "bounds": "50.75038379999999,3.357962,53.5560213,7.227510199999999"
    "hash": "625fa5ae924390fdc162e25d704549f83ec2dac8",
    "country_code": "nl",
    "content": [
            "title": "Netherlands",
            "summary": "",
            "desc": "",
            "language": "en"
    "location": {
        "altitude": 0,
        "latitude": 52.132633,
        "longitude": 5.291266

Get Country by UUID.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of Country in path
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for Country content (children localizations). See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included to Country object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values translations.
except Array (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included to Country object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values translations.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form form response should be displayed: compact or full Default is full. See Country objects Full or Compact forms.


Country object represented in Full or Compact forms.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get Country’s children

Get second child of “Netherlands” Country:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
        "uuid": "7061495d-f2bf-43e2-9f3b-e232b2a921b9",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "museum",
        "languages": [
        "map": {
            "bounds": "51.898882,4.483843,51.904272,4.492578"
        "hash": "45ba373a6f5e4b8e803baf8e730c30501d822af9",
        "children_count": 25,
        "content_provider": {
            "uuid": "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
            "name": "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
            "copyright": "200 Greatest Paintings"
        "images": [
                "uuid": "36949af4-59c1-47bf-a597-815b2d20434f",
                "type": "story",
                "order": 1,
                "hash": "c951a51bf175138f46c3a1c8ce19ce6d",
                "size": 382006
        "publisher": {
            "uuid": "b1fd9b75-88c8-4be4-bf3d-68d596d47481",
            "type": "publisher",
            "languages": [
            "status": "published",
            "hash": "1f5cee7ecb8d625abc278d05bc23d1280bd9d4b1",
            "title": "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
            "summary": "Deze tentoonstelling is tot stand gekomen door Expo Developers B.V. ",
            "language": "en",
            "images": [
                    "uuid": "4c37d3db-f44e-4094-8b1a-5c8b8e4a0142",
                    "type": "brand_logo",
                    "order": 1,
                    "hash": "16cd499c13040897566e1630a8abf022",
                    "size": 48385
            "content_provider": {
                "uuid": "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
                "name": "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
                "copyright": "200 Greatest Paintings"
        "location": {
            "ip": "",
            "altitude": 0,
            "city_uuid": "46e4dc31-b148-444a-a2a2-548eddcc15ba",
            "country_code": "nl",
            "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
            "latitude": 51.9015772,
            "longitude": 4.48821029999999
        "language": "en",
        "summary": "",
        "title": "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS"

Get Country’s children (museums, tours)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of Country in path
limit String (Optional) Limit for pagination, defaults to 20
offset String (Optional) Offset for pagination, defaults to 0
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for Country content (children localizations). See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of MTGObjects sections that should be included into response. See Includes/Except for MTGObjects - note: returned MTGObjects will not have city and country sections.
except String (Optional) List of MTGObjects sections that should NOT be included in response. See Includes/Except for MTGObjects - note: returned MTGObjects will not have city and country sections.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form form response should be displayed: 'compact’ or 'full’ Default is 'compact’.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section Values: true or false. Default value: false.
type Array (Optional) Array of requested types of children: museum, tour. Example: get only museums &type=museum, get museums and tours (default) &type[]=museum,tour


Array of Tours and Museums which belongs to the country represented as list of Compact or Full MTGObjects without city and country sections. Returns 404 HTTP code if there is no Country with provided UUID.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See Also

Get Country’s Cities

Get Cities of “Netherlands” Country, first try to return in 'nl’, then 'en’ and finally in 'ru’ languages:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',en,ru&limit=2'
        "uuid": "1a99552c-b1ae-4225-ad5d-cf6f505b0db8",
        "type": "city",
        "languages": [
        "status": "published",
        "map": {
            "bounds": "50.8038126,5.638866999999999,50.9117809,5.7629404"
        "hash": "0fc6bffd6e1ebf3e2d9ea61ef96b2ba520348343",
        "visible": false,
        "title": "Maastricht",
        "summary": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "latitude": 50.8513682,
            "longitude": 5.6909725,
            "country_code": "nl",
            "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
        "uuid": "b12d19d0-1af3-4d57-beef-20f622f0b6c4",
        "type": "city",
        "languages": [
        "status": "published",
        "map": {
            "bounds": "50.80960008764516,5.8819816791015,50.939005209936525,6.038987364648392"
        "hash": "7ac1e4d81264bf3cdaf6d841c068d02be1abb0ce",
        "visible": false,
        "title": "Heerlen",
        "summary": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "location": {
            "altitude": 0,
            "latitude": 50.8881742,
            "longitude": 5.9794988,
            "country_code": "nl",
            "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"

Get Country’s Cities.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of Country in path
languages Array (Mandatory) Languages filter for Country’s City content (children localizations). See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections which should be included to City object. See Includes/Except. Applicable values city_images.
except Array (Optional) List of sections which should NOT be included to City object. See Includes/Except Applicable values city_images.
form Array (Optional) Defines in what form response should be displayed: compact or full. Default is compact. See City object Full and Compact forms.


An array of City objects which belong to requested Country and have content on requested languages represented as a list of See City objects Full or Compact forms.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get Publisher data

Example: Get “Amsterdam Museum” Publisher content: see Get Publisher example.

Example2: Get “Amsterdam Museum” Publisher description - full form without children:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json"  ',en&except=children'
    "uuid": "7d84ef00-f4f6-4b90-89d7-f20207ee9ca6",
    "type": "publisher",
    "languages": [
    "status": "published",
    "hash": "e8ce336bc687892e6b1a98cb9f7d1254128a17a6",
    "content_provider": {
        "uuid": "d75cdc77-2376-4e9d-b62f-0338861420c0",
        "name": "Amsterdam Museum",
        "copyright": "Amsterdam Museum"
    "contacts": {
        "website": "",
        "twitter": "",
        "facebook": ""
    "content": [
            "title": "Amsterdam Museum",
            "summary": "Een ontmoetingsplek van en voor Amsterdammers en hét museum voor Nederlanders die de hoofdstad beter willen leren kennen. ",
            "desc": "Het Amsterdam Museum vertelt het verhaal van de stad Amsterdam: over toen, nu en straks.\r\nAmsterdam, een wereldstad? Ja, en ook: klein, gezellig en eigenwijs. De stad van Johan Cruijff, Rembrandt, Ajax, de Wallen, de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie en wiet. De hoofdstad van Nederland. Een 1000 jaar oude, waterrijke handelsstad waarbij ondernemerschap, creativiteit, burgerschap en vrijdenken centraal staan.\r\n\r\nIn het monumentale pand van het Amsterdam Museum ontdek je het verhaal van Amsterdam aan de hand van een groot aantal topstukken, zoals de vogelvluchtplattegrond uit de Middeleeuwen, De Dam van Breitner, een anatomische les van Rembrandt, de witkar en een portret van Theo van Gogh. In het Amsterdam Museum zie, lees, hoor en proef je hoe de stad tot stand is gekomen.",
            "language": "en",
            "images": [
                    "uuid": "95e14c61-d879-456e-9085-47d5274c5d1d",
                    "type": "brand_logo",
                    "order": 1,
                    "hash": "baae2a048f560756a55f54f9d6bc58c8",
                    "size": 52621
                    "uuid": "57deeecb-c5b0-4a8f-b561-7589ceb5c47b",
                    "type": "brand_cover",
                    "order": 1

Get Publisher’s data (published museums, tours) by UUID.

See /mtg/objects/search endpoint.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of Publisher in path
languages Array (Mandatory) List of requested languages as filter on Publisher’s children to be returned. Children should have one of the requested languages. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections that should be included into response. See Includes/Except. Applicable children for Publisher and values for MTGObjects in Compact Form.
except String (Optional) List of sections that should NOT be included in response. See Includes/Except. Applicable children for Publisher and values for MTGObjects in Compact Form.
form String (Optional) Defines in what form form response should be displayed: compact or full Default is full. See Publisher Full Form and Publisher Compact Form.
sort_by String (Optional) Defines results sorting: by popularity or by title.

By popularity (default) - sorts by popularity of tours, museums in descending order (similar to &sort_by=popularity:desc), to return in ascending order indicate &sort_by=popularity:asc;

By title - sorts by localized title of tour, museum in ascending order (similar to &sort_by=title:asc), to return in descending order indicate &sort_by=title:desc.

Important note: if several languages are passed in the request and there are publisher’s tours, museums with several translations intercepted with passed languages, the sorting by title can be broken, in other words, sorting by title will correctly work when one language is passed via &languages= parameter.


Publisher object represented as Full or Compact Publisher object.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get Publisher’s children

Get Publisher’s children (museums, tours)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of Publisher in path
languages Array (Mandatory) List of requested languages as filter on Publisher’s children to be returned. Children should have one of the requested languages. See Languages for details.
includes Array (Optional) List of sections of MTGObjects children that should be included into response. See Includes/Except.
except String (Optional) List of sections of MTGObjects children that should NOT be included into response. See Includes/Except.
limit String (Optional) Limit for pagination, defaults to 20
offset String (Optional) Offset for pagination, defaults to 0
form String (Optional) Defines in what form children MTGObjects should be displayed: compact or full Default is compact. See Compact and Full MTGObjects.
children_count_in_full_form Boolean (Optional) Defines if the field children_count shall be added to full form of MTGObject in content section Values: true or false. Default value: false.
sort_by String (Optional) Defines results sorting: by popularity or by title.

By popularity (default) - sorts by popularity of tours, museums in descending order (similar to &sort_by=popularity:desc), to return in ascending order indicate &sort_by=popularity:asc;

By title - sorts by localized title of tour, museum in ascending order (similar to &sort_by=title:asc), to return in descending order indicate &sort_by=title:desc.

Important note: if several languages are passed in the request and there are publisher’s tours, museums with several translations intercepted with passed languages, the sorting by title can be broken, in other words, sorting by title will correctly work when one language is passed via &languages= parameter.


Array of Tours and Museums which belongs to the publisher as a list of Compact or Full MTGObjects. Returns 404 HTTP code if there is no publisher object with provided UUID.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get the number of Publisher’s children

Get the number of children of “Amsterdam Museum” Publisher for en and nl languages:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',en'

Resonse as integer:


Get the number of Publisher’s children (museums, tours)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of Publisher in path
languages Array (Mandatory) List of requested languages, i.e. Publisher’s children should have one of the requested languages. See Languages for details.


Number of children for requested languages (returned as an integer).

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Get Languages of Publisher’s children

Get Publisher’s content languages:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',az,be,bg,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,eu,fi,fr,he,hi,hr,hu,hy,it,ja,ka,kk,ko,lt,lv,nl,no,pl,pt,ro,ru,sl,sv,tr,tt,uk,vi,zh'

Returns an array of languages where Publisher has content (museums and tours).

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of Publisher in path
languages Array (Mandatory) List of requested languages that can be processed by the client. Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.


An array of languages or empty (if there are no content in languages parameter).

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Example: Get featured content for nl language:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
        "uuid": "679a3513-addc-4a1c-849e-874362e49017",
        "name": "Maastricht, eeuwige allure",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "tour",
        "description": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "nl",
        "content_languages": [
        "images": [
                "uuid": "28a4f4e1-f5c7-438c-9a5d-df85d9722895",
                "type": "image"
        "promoted": false,
        "position": 2,
        "city_uuid": "1a99552c-b1ae-4225-ad5d-cf6f505b0db8",
        "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
        "uuid": "eec3bc1b-6347-4fec-8a2d-e07af3f861bb",
        "name": "De Nieuwe Wildernis",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "tour",
        "description": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "nl",
        "content_languages": [
        "images": [
                "uuid": "751a6f7b-c53d-4406-938e-57239b0684e7",
                "type": "image"
        "promoted": false,
        "position": 4,
        "city_uuid": "ed490207-f552-4076-a35a-f3bdcc6e7e5b",
        "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
        "uuid": "987abe33-dcbe-4ea7-9ff7-a0ca8bb964c9",
        "name": "Puur ’s-Hertogenbosch ",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "tour",
        "description": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "nl",
        "content_languages": [
        "images": [
                "uuid": "f1ba29a5-b7ee-42a9-9542-e88f7cfa398e",
                "type": "image"
        "promoted": false,
        "position": 5,
        "city_uuid": "6e53607a-1302-4c9a-affc-2ca6a3c1b005",
        "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
        "uuid": "7061495d-f2bf-43e2-9f3b-e232b2a921b9",
        "name": "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "museum",
        "description": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "nl",
        "content_languages": [
        "promoted": false,
        "city_uuid": "46e4dc31-b148-444a-a2a2-548eddcc15ba",
        "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
        "uuid": "b1811593-b91f-4002-be84-e805b5a54529",
        "name": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "tour",
        "description": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "nl",
        "content_languages": [
        "images": [
                "uuid": "78fbaeb7-95e4-44dd-8028-0b3f99b1fa11",
                "type": "image"
        "promoted": false,
        "position": 1,
        "city_uuid": "73f0fa72-cef2-4054-9894-6e56e0755057",
        "country_uuid": "9c68f0b7-9c7d-4cdb-8ce2-690adbeefb6f"
        "uuid": "ddbbe18a-d876-431f-845e-f2d05b9215b5",
        "name": "Volendam Kunstenaarsdorp",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "tour",
        "description": "",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "nl",
        "content_languages": [
        "images": [
                "uuid": "6fcd2827-615c-434e-8046-27895bf8df05",
                "type": "image"
        "promoted": false,
        "position": 3,
        "city_uuid": "e9eeaf37-6d58-47df-86cf-899890e56566",
        "country_uuid": "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
        "uuid": "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
        "name": "Amsterdam",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "city",
        "description": "Amsterdam is een van de meest populaire toeristische bestemmingen van Europa. Neem de historische stadswandeling langs de Amsterdamse grachten, bezoek fantastische musea zoals het van Goghmuseum of het Rijksmuseum en het Anne Frank Huis. Dwaal over de Wallen. Hier is voor ieder wat wils - kom op, we gaan!",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "33f074c6-ae37-4ee2-8208-c7065029edb4",
                "type": "image"
                "uuid": "229499af-2262-493e-8851-eb9e4b1d5c85",
                "type": "cover"
        "promoted": false
        "uuid": "67b93370-f2ad-4a5a-b78f-7d2f2df5520a",
        "name": "Barcelona",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "city",
        "description": "Barcelona, de hoofdstad van Catalonië, is een haven aan de Middellandse Zee met een bruisend cultureel en sociaal leven. Breng een bezoek aan Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia-kerk en de adembenemende Magische Fonteinen, natuurlijk is er het Picasso Museum en stadswandelingen over Las Ramblas. Breng ook wat tijd door op de prachtige stranden.",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "e4195880-fb14-4486-91da-6dfe24cb8532",
                "type": "image"
                "uuid": "a71c2316-2246-48c2-8856-fcd956b3b9fa",
                "type": "cover"
        "promoted": false
        "uuid": "10dc8fe9-1905-4084-b143-63af8486bca7",
        "name": "Genève",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "city",
        "description": "Genève is de hoofdstad van Franstalig Zwitserland en trekt om veel verschillende redenen toeristen aan. Bekijk de ‘Gebroken Stoel’ op de Place des Nations, bezoek unieke historische musea en maak een wandeling door het oude centrum. En vergeet niet de oevers van het meer en de legendarische Jet d’Eau. En exclusief shoppen voor horloges, sieraden en chocolade!",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "7b25a907-9634-4362-bc08-5015116bb9a7",
                "type": "image"
                "uuid": "d5451206-52f1-40b2-b5e9-6343ae7026d4",
                "type": "cover"
        "promoted": false
        "uuid": "352121ce-9390-4872-8540-0d7be65940c7",
        "name": "Londen",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "city",
        "description": "Londen biedt de bruisende ervaring van een wereldstad, met ontelbare klassieke bezienswaardigheden, van de Tower of London en Big Ben tot Madame Tussaud’s en Camden Town. Neem een ritje naar Buckingham Palace op een rode dubbeldekker en bezoek een klassieke show in West End.",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "3a71392a-37a7-41b6-8296-75d421ec5ac7",
                "type": "image"
                "uuid": "0eb31e91-2811-4721-a62c-2e9fad3b28eb",
                "type": "cover"
        "promoted": false
        "uuid": "de83c24b-6898-4cbb-8cf2-7e93e428f5e6",
        "name": "Moskou",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "city",
        "description": "Rusland is het grootste land ter wereld en Moskou de grootste stad van Europa. Neem de elegante metro van Moskou naar de Basiliuskathedraal, bezoek de Banya-baden met haar Gothische Kamer en Pushkin’s Museum van de Schone Kunst, het Kosmonautencentrum in Sterrenstad, het Bolshoi – waar zullen we beginnen met onze rondleiding door Moskou?",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "b278e228-e1c8-41df-b169-f7acd7cb098f",
                "type": "image"
                "uuid": "d6045a14-acc6-4086-9563-db7885d71ff6",
                "type": "cover"
        "promoted": false
        "uuid": "c735e41e-ce82-4e34-ad41-4f623d613901",
        "name": "Stockholm",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "city",
        "description": "Stockholm staat bekend als het Venetië van het noorden, gebouwd op een aantal eilanden, als een mengeling van oud en modern met een archipel die alleen in Griekenland overtroffen wordt. Ga naar de Skansen, 's werelds oudste openlucht-museum, maak een stadswandeling door het middeleeuwse centrum of neem een boot naar Viking Birka in de Mälarvallei. Het kan allemaal!",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "d6fb9a1c-9661-44f9-8d3c-01fee7809c5d",
                "type": "image"
                "uuid": "1b855fb5-dcc0-4dd2-8f03-b8997055dd5a",
                "type": "cover"
        "promoted": false
        "uuid": "0bd5f89b-857f-4f4e-bbd8-2bb847b9bdd8",
        "name": "Parijs",
        "status": "published",
        "type": "city",
        "description": "Parijs is de hoofdstad van de mode en volgens sommigen de meest romantische stad ter wereld. In deze klassieke toeristische bestemming vind je het onvergetelijke Louvre en de Sacré-Coeur-basiliek en vervolgens de Jardin Des Tuileries en het Petit et Grand Palais. Nee, dat ga ik niet voor je vertalen.",
        "language": "nl",
        "content_language": "en",
        "images": [
                "uuid": "f7321b0b-e60e-44b2-aad4-73478090a497",
                "type": "image"
                "uuid": "133d2cff-daac-4744-b6b7-2527489040d4",
                "type": "cover"
        "promoted": false

The endpoint provides current featured content (Editor Choice): promoted or most popular tours, museums and cities. This is a special endpoint mostly used on izi.TRAVEL site.

Another promoted content are Special Projects that used to create an interest to outstanding content or special actions in certain region (see FILTERS (SEARCH SCOPE) and SORTING sections in /mtg/objects/search end-point).

The end-point returns the following sets of objects for a requested language:

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
languages String (Mandatory) Requested content language, for example, nl. See Languages for details.


An array of objects:

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
type String (Mandatory) Object type. museum, tour or city.
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of the object in izi.Directory. See Get MTGObject for museum and tour objects. And Get City for city object.
status String (Mandatory) Content publication status: published – content is public available. limited– content is not public and available for current user only (see Limited content access).
language String (Mandatory) Requested content language.
content_language String (Mandatory) Language of returned content. User Generated Data
content_languages Array of Strings (Optional) Array of all available languages of content, ISO 639-1. Typical for museum and tour.
name String (Optional) Localized (see content_language) name of object (title). User Generated Data
description String (Optional) Localized (see content_language) description of the object. User Generated Data
promoted Boolean (Optional) Reserved field. Don’t use for now.
city_uuid String (Optional) Universally Unique Identifier of city object in izi.Directory (See Get City). Typical for museum and tour.
country_uuid String (Optional) Universally Unique Identifier of country object in izi.Directory (See Get Country). Typical for museum and tour.
position Number (Optional) A position of object on a dashboard. Values: [1..5]
images An array of objects (Optional) Images of the content. See “Images” section below.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

An image object format is the following:

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of the image in izi.Directory.
type String (Mandatory) Type of image: image - common image of the featured content (applicable for museum, tour and city); cover - cover image of city.

A featured Museum or Tour can have one image with type image, when City can have cover in additional to image type.

URL pattern to access an image is {MEDIA_BASE_URL}/featured/{IMAGE_UUID}, where:

Examples of images URLs:

Example: Get featured content for nl language:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
        "uuid": "0c20de60-e284-4d8d-90f2-a05012a48765",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Oorlogsmuseum Eyewitness",
        "position": 1,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "af8b3134-bf35-5751-ac74-e601fc680479",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "da6411df-c17b-426e-9f5f-6375a461949d",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Historie en mythen Middelburg",
        "position": 2,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "21abade1-cd73-5400-9679-967ad818a3e5",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "85fd0ffc-1b08-4460-9afd-1c0f573b2639",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Rondje Dordt",
        "position": 3,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "1dd8c893-4af7-5aef-b3bc-59e1daf21bcf",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "32a58ef6-e065-4797-87ac-4bd9582f0ca7",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "bike",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Boerenrustpunten Hollands Kroon",
        "position": 4,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "fa492cfa-eab4-5265-af0e-9d52f018b685",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "8d0abc15-0e58-4602-9451-8143da5dcae8",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Gouda deel 1",
        "position": 5,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "a15f49f1-6403-56ce-8f89-86c87aaeaee7",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "5a185295-e0a1-41e5-916b-283f5ac340e2",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "bike",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Watersnoodroute Hoeksche Waard",
        "position": 6,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "cfd92e07-ce1a-50d5-94e8-8adcf71a300b",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "a66e693f-f94f-47bb-b055-482a6ab4b98c",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Ontdek Breda! startpunt Breda's Museum",
        "position": 7,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "0eae8c3d-f38a-5070-9b94-9bfce4c77905",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "6ff37543-b10d-45b6-be39-c36eec586842",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Amsterdam DNA - Burgerschap",
        "position": 8,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "c641bac4-dbfa-5aef-8b14-597175ce5451",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "0bdfb75b-581f-453b-8503-73a066162549",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Museum Kunst & Geschiedenis",
        "position": 9,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "10309ce3-ea88-524b-a3d8-ff806c203d4a",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "45530a5e-aa7f-4803-8d4a-e3e986ad78d7",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Pieterskerk Leiden",
        "position": 10,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "a4bceb22-c181-5f61-a38f-acabfc00154b",
                "type": "featured"

Example: Get featured content for en language sorted by distance:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',4.7638777'
        "uuid": "cda7f0c3-06b5-4b01-8476-00e0f2b933ab",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Royal FloraHolland",
        "position": 1,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "510c46f2-33db-5f6c-8024-356e93d918f9",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "7f4e73cc-bda9-48ee-bc40-de07296e57d1",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Kilpeck Church Herefordshire",
        "position": 2,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "d2cdd413-3811-5e40-9437-48fb2cab7b38",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "19d32314-218c-4be6-8835-ae29fec20866",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Museum of art and history (MAH)",
        "position": 3,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "28a8710b-a095-5875-9bf3-2697f4baeac7",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "73803223-60ed-4c5c-ac68-8cadd578e9b2",
        "type": "tour",
        "category": "walk",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "LYON UNESCO : AINAY",
        "position": 4,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "3b3a635d-435e-539c-b7e4-5b8132d8185c",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "044ae086-f159-4e91-93f2-253f37a21b0c",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Matterhorn Museum - Zermatlantis: HANNES TAUGWALDER TOUR",
        "position": 5,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "bdbf7583-89f2-5a44-87c5-1e4e37ba5b0b",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "dae5e4cc-57e9-4316-a15e-ee34ca208992",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Matterhorn Museum - Zermatlantis: EDWARD WHYMPER TOUR",
        "position": 6,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "4360c6e2-7429-5793-a582-0e5710d1f07e",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "9cd1a5b0-59af-4357-aeb6-e539a7e76091",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Pio Monte della Misericordia",
        "position": 7,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "7ead08ee-c157-5073-9e12-b91d222b45e3",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "f1424e9c-ce53-4f6d-853c-601129f40d93",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "Museum-panorama \"Battle of Borodino\"",
        "position": 8,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "5dd19830-e380-5d74-887a-0d54f73ca9d2",
                "type": "featured"
    }, {
        "uuid": "6e91b314-a1bb-4272-aad8-37f98ddfbddd",
        "type": "museum",
        "playback_type": "random",
        "title": "The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts / Gallery of 19th and 20th century European and American Art",
        "position": 9,
        "images": [{
                "uuid": "bd9949cd-11cb-52ab-81a8-42828e00e8eb",
                "type": "featured"

The endpoint provides current featured content for izi.TRAVEL Applications (Editor Choice): promoted or most popular published tours, quests and museums.

Another promoted content are Special Projects that used to create an interest to outstanding content or special actions in certain region (see FILTERS (SEARCH SCOPE) and SORTING sections in /mtg/objects/search end-point).

The end-point returns only published content in order defined by a featured content publisher or sorted by distance if &lat_lon= parameter is indicated (position field in response reflects the ordering as well). Note: returned content can be paid. The maximum number of returned objects is 10.

A client shall request featured content indicating preferred language or set of preferred languages via parameter &languages, for example, &languages=nl,ru. If there is no set defined for the first nl language or there is no published content for the language, the end-point will try to return featured content set for next language ru, and so forth. If there are no featured content for the set of passed languages, the end-point will try to return set for en language. HTTP error 404 will be returned when no appropriate featured content are published (including en).

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
lat_lon String (Optional) If the parameter is indicated in a request, content will be sorted by distance from the provided coordinate in ascending order. Format is &lat_lon=<latitude,longitude>, example &lat_lon=52.3545362,4.7638777
languages String (Mandatory) Requested content languages, for example, &languages=nl,ru. See Languages for details.


An array of objects:

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of the object in izi.Directory. See Get MTGObject for museum and tour objects.
type String (Mandatory) Object type. museum or tour. Please note, in additional to museums and tours, other content type will be provided in future, like collections, cities, etc.
category String (Optional) Typical for tour:
walk – a walking tour (avg. speed is 3 km. per hour),
bike – a tour on a bike (avg. speed is 6 km. per hour),
bus – a tour on a bus (avg. speed is 35 km per hour),
car – a tour in a car (avg. speed is 45 km. per hour),
boat – a tour in a boat (avg. speed is 10 km per hour).

Starting from API version 1.8 (Versioning):
running (10 km/h),
train (60 km/h),
horseriding (10 km/h).
playback_type String (Optional) Type of playback algorithm. Values: random or quest. The field is returned for museum and tour objects if API version indicated in requests is 1.3 or above. See Playback section and Quests overview.
title String (Mandatory) Tour/Museum Title (Name) defined by a featured content publisher. User Generated Data
sub_title String (Optional) Optional Tour/Museum Sub-Title (additional info) defined by a featured content publisher, examples, ‘BUS TOUR’, 'MUSEUM’, 'WALKING TOUR’. User Generated Data
position Number (Mandatory) A position of object in returned set (the order to show on a dashboard). Values: [1..10]
images An array of objects (Mandatory) Images of the content. Only one image provided for now. See “Images” section below.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

An image object format is the following:

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
uuid String (Mandatory) Universally Unique Identifier of the image in izi.Directory. Please note: if an image changed, another UUID will be generated.
type String (Mandatory) Type of image: featured.

A featured Museum or Tour has at least one image with type featured.

URL pattern to access an image is {MEDIA_BASE_URL}/featured/{IMAGE_UUID}, where:


Rating & Reviews

Get Reviews

Get all reviews for “Rijksmuseum” example:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "paging": {
        "limit": 25,
        "returned_count": 2,
        "total_count": 2,
        "next": null,
        "previous": null
    "metadata": {
        "uuid": "de19a007-6ab3-470b-906f-7910c128ab84",
        "rating_average": 10,
        "ratings_count": 7,
        "reviews_count": 2,
        "date": "2015-03-16T21:00:26Z"
    "data": [
            "id": 593,
            "lang": "en",
            "hash": "74ea1e70c8bab0a5b8f7034cf7dbc8b54b972e23",
            "rating": 10,
            "review": "This guide has an alternative approach to audio guide, which is really fun",
            "reviewer_name": "Reiziger",
            "date": "2015-03-13T12:34:48Z"
            "id": 510,
            "lang": "en",
            "hash": "554a4136517dc52c07b15a897209b0b13cc44b26",
            "rating": 10,
            "review": "Fantastic storytelling approach! The stories are not about exhibits, but become a part of the exhibits!",
            "reviewer_name": null,
            "date": "2015-03-06T06:04:58Z"

Returns ratings average and reviews for museum, collection, exhibit, tour and tourist_attraction. The end-point returns only records with reviews where newest record goes first.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of the object (content) in path.
lang String (Optional) Returns records for certain language. Example: “&lang=ru”. Skip argument for all languages.
offset Number (Optional) This offsets the start of each page by the number of records specified.
limit Number (Optional) The number of individual records that are returned in each page. Default 25, min:0 (only metadata be returned), max:100.


For success cases (HTTP response is 200)

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
metadata Section (Mandatory) The average of ratings/reviews, see “METADATA SECTION” below and Reviews. If the average is not calculated yet, the section will be returned where rating_average,ratings_count, reviews_count fields will be 0 and date will be current time.
data Section (Optional) Results - records with reviews only. Provided if paging:returned_count > 0. See “DATA SECTION” below.
paging Section (Mandatory) Pagination to navigate through results data using Unix timestamps, see below “PAGING SECTION”

Metada section

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of the object (content)
rating_average Float (Optional) Average of all ratings [0..10] (across all languages), museums ratings includes their collections ratings.
ratings_count Number (Optional) Total number of ratings at average snapshot time (across all languages)
reviews_count Number (Optional) Total number of reviews at average snapshot time (across all languages)
date String(date) (Optional) UTC time when average was calculated. Format is according to ISO-8601 “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ”

Data section

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
id Number (Mandatory) Unique identifier of rating/review across system
date String(Date) (Mandatory) UTC time of Rating/Review submit. Format is according to ISO-8601 “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ”
rating Number (Optional) Rating of the content [0..10]
review String (Optional) Review on the content (limitation: 500). User Generated Data
reviewer_name String (Optional) Author of review (reviewer name; limitation: 128). User Generated Data
lang String (Mandatory) Language of reviewed content
hash String (Mandatory) Hash of content passed at POST (MTGObject hash returned by common API).

Paging section

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
limit Number (Mandatory) The number of individual records that are returned in each page
returned_count Number (Mandatory) The number of returned records in section data. Values: [0..limit]
total_count Number (Mandatory) The total number of review records for the content at request time (all languages or for certain language passed as parameter)
next String(url) (Mandatory) An endpoint request that will return the next page of data or null
previous String(url) (Mandatory) An endpoint request that will return the previous page of data or null

For error cases (HTTP response is not 200)

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
code Number (Mandatory) Result, see “Get Error codes” below
error String (Optional) Not localized error message

Get Error codes

HTTP code Description
400 Invalid lang
400 Invalid offset/limit values: offset[0..N], limit[0..100]
403 API key is not present or not valid
404 Not Found
422 Invalid UUID
500 Internal server error
503 Service Unavailable
504 Timeout

POST Reviews

Post rating/review for “Rijksmuseum” example:

curl -X POST -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"lang" : "en", "hash" : "d00e00dc7325662c61125534d438a0bd66dfdba8", "rating" : 4, "review" : "Very useful content."}' ''
    "metadata": {
        "uuid": "de19a007-6ab3-470b-906f-7910c128ab84",
        "rating_average": 10,
        "ratings_count": 7,
        "reviews_count": 2,
        "date": "2015-03-16T21:00:26Z"
    "data" : [{
            "id" : 323,
            "lang" : "en",
            "hash" : "d00e00dc7325662c61125534d438a0bd66dfdba8",
            "rating" : 4,
            "review" : "Very useful content.",
            "reviewer_name" : null,
            "date" : "2015-03-23T12:03:03Z"

Post rating/review for museum, collection, exhibit, tour and tourist_attraction.

HTTP Request


HTTP Header

Parameter Presence Description
Content-Type: application/json Strongly recommended The JSON MIME type of the body of the request.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of the object (content) in path.
Body JSON (Mandatory)
lang String (Mandatory) Language of content
hash String (Mandatory) Hash of content (value of field hash of the MTGObject returned by common API)
rating Number (Optional) Content rating [0..10]
review String (Optional) Content review (max: 500 symbols)
reviewer_name String (Optional) Author name (reviewer; max: 128 symbols)


For success cases (HTTP response is 200)

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
metadata Section (Mandatory) The average of ratings/reviews, see “METADATA SECTION” in GET request.
data Section (Mandatory) Just created rating/review record. See “DATA SECTION” in GET request.

For error cases (HTTP response is not 200)

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
code Number (Mandatory) Result, see “POST ERROR CODES” below
error String (Optional) Not localized error message

Post Error codes

HTTP code Description
400 Bad JSON (means “data corrupted”)
400 Invalid rating value: should be an integer and range of [0..10]
400 Invalid review value: can’t be greater than 500 chars
400 Invalid reviewer_name value: can’t be greater than 128 chars
400 Invalid params: any of rating and review should present
400 Missed hash value
403 API key is not present or not valid
404 Not Found
500 Internal server error
503 Service Unavailable
504 Timeout

Get ‘Used’ Languages

Get 'Used’ languages:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json"  ''

Returns the languages list of existent content in izi.TRAVEL Directory. The list can be used for retrieving any reachable content using &languages= parameter in API requests.

Note: starting from API version 1.2.4, any keyword can be used in &languages= parameter and any means any language from the 'Used’ languages, see Languages section.

Note: the list of languages has predefined order.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning


An array of languages where content exists in izi.TRAVEL Directory.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Get 'Supported’ Languages

Get 'Supported’ languages:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json"  ''

'Supported’ are all available languages in izi.TRAVEL Directory for creation and publishing content, however, only part of these languages is used, to get the list of languages where content exists, you shall use /languages/used end-point.

Note: the list of languages has predefined order.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning


An array of languages available in izi.TRAVEL Directory to publish content.

Error codes

See Generic Errors

See also

Detect object presence by some UUID

Example: Get type of object for UUID ‘768fefbb-fae5-41ba-bfd9-7b708d80cc65’

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
        "type": "tourist_attraction",
        "hash": "8298eabe178f387104efe5ad9a17cc612f417bd4"

For some cases, API clients would like to detect an object presence in izi.DIRECTORY by some UUID, then retrieve the object using corresponding API end-point, ignore it or process according to the client specific cases. The end-point returns object(s) presence for passed uuid, the end-point does not take into account object’s statuses, languages, etc.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
uuid String (Mandatory) Some UUID to detect presence in izi.DIRECTORY


An empty array if no objects found, otherwise an array of objects:

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
type String (Mandatory) Object type.
hash String (Optional) Object hash (allows to take the object from the client cache)
Kind type hash
MTGObject tour mandatory
MTGObject museum mandatory
MTGObject exhibit mandatory
MTGObject collection mandatory
MTGObject tourist_attraction mandatory
MTGObject story_navigation mandatory
Object city mandatory
Object country mandatory
Object publisher mandatory

Error codes

See Generic Errors

Media for Recognition

Get object’s media (images) for recognition:

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "content_provider" : {
      "uuid" : "002f97c6-1366-4485-8ca4-3584db996e62",
      "name" : "200 GREATEST PAINTINGS",
      "copyright" : "200 Greatest Paintings"
    "images": [
        "uuid": "64cd4c55-d7b5-4f80-b5ea-39ad76830720",
        "type": "for_recognition",
        "order": 1,
        "hash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
        "size": 143020
        "uuid": "ae4b560e-6701-450c-836f-a7a1d5f9296e",
        "type": "for_recognition",
        "order": 2,
        "hash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
        "size": 188871

Get media (images) for training classifiers or for machine learning to detect individual izi.TRAVEL objects.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type (Presence) Description
api_key String (Mandatory) See Authentication
version String (Recommended) See Versioning
password String (Optional) See Limited content access
uuid String (Mandatory) UUID of the MTGObject (in path)
languages Array (Optional) Languages filter for content. See Languages for details.


Parameter Type (Presence) Description
content_provider Object (Mandatory) Content provider object.Universally_unique_identifier)
images Array (Optional) Array of images data. The type of media is for_recognition, see Media object, if there are no images, the empty images array is not returned.

Error codes

See Generic Errors


Get a tourist attraction

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f"  -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
    "uuid" : "395af4cc-d7d0-4692-9fb0-b772dd1416a0",
    "status" : "published",
    "type" : "tourist_attraction",
    "hidden" : false,
    "languages" : ["nl", "ru", "en"],
    "hash" : "497e4994a42f3955569273d7f0662d6a13e7797e",
    "parent_uuid" : "fb5a0602-d559-4317-af59-7017489a9f1f",
    "trigger_zones" : [{
        "circle_altitude" : 0.0,
        "type" : "circle",
        "circle_latitude" : 52.369732171086,
        "circle_longitude" : 4.8986093834629,
        "circle_radius" : 20.0
    "city" : {
      "uuid" : "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
      "type" : "city",
      "languages" : ["de", "en", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "nl", "ru"],
      "status" : "published",
      "translations" : [{
          "name" : "Amsterdam",
          "language" : "en"
        }, {
          "name" : "Amesterdão",
          "language" : "pt"
        }, {
          "name" : "Amsterdam",
          "language" : "ro"
        }, {
          "name" : "Amsterdam",
          "language" : "it"
        }, {
          "name" : "Амстердам",
          "language" : "ru"
        }, {
          "name" : "Amsterdam",
          "language" : "de"
        }, {
          "name" : "阿姆斯特丹",
          "language" : "zh"
        }, {
          "name" : "Amsterdam",
          "language" : "fr"
        }, {
          "name" : "Amsterdam",
          "language" : "nl"
        }, {
          "name" : "Ámsterdam",
          "language" : "es"
        }, {
          "name" : "Amsterdam",
          "language" : "sv"
      "map" : {
        "bounds" : "52.3182742,4.728855800000019,52.4311573,5.082797055664059"
      "hash" : "9e54f174e76cc148c6362464ed03ba917e996253",
      "visible" : true,
      "title" : "Amsterdam",
      "summary" : "",
      "language" : "en",
      "images" : [{
          "uuid" : "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
          "type" : "city",
          "order" : 1
      "location" : {
        "altitude" : 0.0,
        "latitude" : 52.3702157,
        "longitude" : 4.8951679,
        "country_code" : "nl",
        "country_uuid" : "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de"
    "country" : {
      "uuid" : "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
      "type" : "country",
      "languages" : ["cs", "de", "en", "es", "fi", "fr", "it", "ja", "nl", "ru", "sv"],
      "status" : "published",
      "translations" : [{
          "name" : "Netherlands",
          "language" : "en"
        }, {
          "name" : "Нидерланды",
          "language" : "ru"
        }, {
          "name" : "Nederland",
          "language" : "nl"
        }, {
          "name" : "Pays-Bas",
          "language" : "fr"
        }, {
          "name" : "Nederländerna",
          "language" : "sv"
        }, {
          "name" : "Olanda",
          "language" : "ro"
        }, {
          "name" : "Paesi Bassi",
          "language" : "it"
        }, {
          "name" : "Países Bajos",
          "language" : "es"
        }, {
          "name" : "Holanda",
          "language" : "pt"
        }, {
          "name" : "Niederlande",
          "language" : "de"
        }, {
          "name" : "荷兰",
          "language" : "zh"
      "map" : {
        "bounds" : "50.75038379999999,3.357962,53.5560213,7.227510199999999"
      "hash" : "036843bbc864b0d39804fe0a98b410feeaa84987",
      "country_code" : "nl",
      "title" : "Netherlands",
      "summary" : "",
      "language" : "en",
      "location" : {
        "altitude" : 0.0,
        "latitude" : 52.132633,
        "longitude" : 5.291266
    "content_provider" : {
      "uuid" : "5a213a70-68ee-4a56-99d8-d701e1b589dc",
      "name" : "",
      "copyright" : " Alle rechten voorbehouden."
    "publisher" : {
      "uuid" : "9bc6a143-5098-43c6-8bb8-7dfaf0588ec2",
      "type" : "publisher",
      "languages" : ["en"],
      "status" : "published",
      "hash" : "1188797672fd30fabe1c88b98a3cc9b740bd143f",
      "title" : "",
      "summary" : "We at believe that every museum, tourist site or city should be able to create an audio guide and share it with anyone, anywhere!\r\n",
      "language" : "en",
      "images" : [{
          "uuid" : "a3f93ef2-5829-4115-becf-beda63db386a",
          "type" : "brand_logo",
          "order" : 1,
          "hash" : "3aec6365e75adadf44f87a52893e706e",
          "size" : 5904
      "content_provider" : {
        "uuid" : "5a213a70-68ee-4a56-99d8-d701e1b589dc",
        "name" : "",
        "copyright" : " Alle rechten voorbehouden."
    "content" : [{
        "audio" : [{
            "uuid" : "d2cea5b6-a781-4d67-be7b-7c46f034e6ae",
            "type" : "story",
            "duration" : 44,
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "89754396ad760e91985c622ecb0acce5",
            "size" : 365477
        "images" : [{
            "uuid" : "b5c30e91-66c0-4382-aa55-56c0b13e2263",
            "type" : "story",
            "order" : 1,
            "hash" : "b638e89534de7a84304942ce7887bdb4",
            "size" : 231663
        "language" : "en",
        "summary" : "",
        "desc" : "Did you notice those little bollards on the sidewalks? There are thousands of them in Amsterdam. These ‘Amsterdammertjes’, or ‘Little Amsterdammers’ are there to prevent people from parking their cars on the sidewalk.\r\n\r\nLet’s take a closer look at one of the bollards. Can see the three crosses on the side? They are a reference to the city’s coat of arms; two lions carrying a red shield with three vertically ordered black crosses on it. Take a look at the images to see how the coat of arms exactly looks. But, what exactly is the meaning behind these three crosses? Play the quiz to find out. You can start the quiz in the upper right of the screen. When you have finished it, continue walking along the water towards the little bridge. ",
        "title" : "Amsterdammertjes",
        "quiz" : {
          "question" : "What do the three crosses in the coat of arms of Amsterdam represent? They represent the three:",
          "comment" : "As the story goes, the three crosses represent the three torments which Amsterdam was struck by in Medieval times; the water, the fire and the plague. The correct answer is therefore answer 2.",
          "answers" : [{
              "content" : "wealthy families that founded the city",
              "correct" : false
            }, {
              "content" : "social classes: the clergy, nobility and bourgeoisie ",
              "correct" : false
            }, {
              "content" : "medieval torments Amsterdam underwent",
              "correct" : true
            }, {
              "content" : "principal neighbourhoods of the city",
              "correct" : false
    "location" : {
      "altitude" : 0.0,
      "city_uuid" : "3f879f37-21b0-479d-bd74-aa26f72fa328",
      "country_code" : "nl",
      "country_uuid" : "15845ecf-4274-4286-b086-e407ff8207de",
      "latitude" : 52.369732171086,
      "longitude" : 4.8986093834629

This request shows an example of an tourist attraction in full form with the following sections:

Tours: search and return in short form

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',location&version=1.6&limit=5&except=city,country,publisher&languages=en&lat_lon=52.3746961,4.8285746&radius=10000'
    "uuid" : "feb9d00e-676f-46a8-bf3d-4dc5d10ad5b0",
    "hash" : "6ec570887fade2b9835ce52f7dae61452ca9b57d",
    "type" : "tour",
    "geo_distance" : 1277,
    "location" : {
      "latitude" : 52.382171,
      "longitude" : 4.886979
  }, {
    "uuid" : "d2a76e75-132f-4473-af90-cd9ae65c481f",
    "hash" : "34f4329c00dfcefe251ddcb479d17bfa2b5ff0b6",
    "type" : "tour",
    "geo_distance" : 2917,
    "location" : {
      "latitude" : 52.370138,
      "longitude" : 4.890265
  }, {
    "uuid" : "928056c5-3dae-4a1b-a1bb-89dd1bc00004",
    "hash" : "97beb77275229c7206ff40cf5a2f35577b0325ea",
    "type" : "tour",
    "geo_distance" : 3339,
    "location" : {
      "latitude" : 52.381179,
      "longitude" : 4.886985
  }, {
    "uuid" : "7059cdbb-0bd5-4b35-a71b-170a8f778d59",
    "hash" : "80b61d1b28b467cc230c85599af487625010410b",
    "type" : "tour",
    "geo_distance" : 3528,
    "location" : {
      "latitude" : 52.375218,
      "longitude" : 4.883874
  }, {
    "uuid" : "7fc049ec-9429-4cf6-9cb8-f33043bf77d1",
    "hash" : "3b0203b3e28288fef33371e4e5a416509398afc2",
    "type" : "tour",
    "geo_distance" : 3542,
    "location" : {
      "latitude" : 52.381762,
      "longitude" : 4.896485

This request shows an example of tours search in Amsterdam:

Get a museum without children

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
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        "desc" : "The Exhibition 200 Greatest Paintings consists of a canon of Western art that everyone knows. Masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa, The Night Watch and American Gothic are coming to Rotterdam!\r\n \r\nA SELECTION OF OLD ACQUAINTANCES\r\nArt connoisseurs and laymen have compiled a list of the two hundred most coveted, valuable and famous artworks in the world. This list includes works from eighty different museums, made by more than hundred artists. These two hundred works are reproduced full-size and chronologically exhibited.\r\n \r\nGo on a journey through the history of art, without having to fly around the globe!\r\n \r\nSPECIALS\r\nBesides a lot to see there is much to do in the exhibition. There are twenty specials of the ' most' iconic artworks of the exhibition . By these specials the exhibition comes to life. An example of a special is the darkroom of Vermeer. Vermeer made his work with a camera obscura . The same darkroom is recreated where you can make a work with the techniques of Vemeer! There is also a children's route which has more emphasis on \"doing\" things and is slightly shorter . We won’t tell you anymore, just come and see for your self!\r\n \r\nTICKETS\r\nBuy your tickets online! It’s cheaper than getting your tickets at the door and you don’t have to wait in line! Ticket prices range from 4 to 12 euros. Children under 4 years go for free.",
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This request shows an example of a museum in full form without children section. The following sections are provided:

Find museum by name

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
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This request shows an example of search of “The Walters Art Museum” museum.

Get a museum with certain objects (sections) in response

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',city&except=publisher,children'
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        "desc" : "You are invited to discover some of the most talented artists from around the globe and across the ages. The Walters Art Museum is one of only a few museums in the world to present a panorama of art from the third millennium B.C. to the early 20th century. The thousands of treasures range from mummies to arms and armor, from old master paintings to Art Nouveau jewelry. The Walters' Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ethiopian and Western Medieval art collections are among the finest in the nation, as are the museum's holdings of Renaissance and Asian art and a spectacular reserve of illuminated manuscripts and rare books. Every major trend in French painting during the 19th century is represented in the collection.\r\n\r\nThe Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland is internationally renowned for its collection of art, which was amassed substantially by two men, William and Henry Walters, and eventually bequeathed to the City of Baltimore.\r\n\r\n",
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This request shows an example of receiving of a museum object indicating what kind of objects (sections) shall be included in response, see includes=download,city&except=publisher,children part of query.

Get a tour with certain objects (sections) in response

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ',city,country&except=translations,publisher,download'
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            "desc" : "Please turn right here onto the street called Rue du Général Leclerc at the first intersection, then continue walking straight on.",
            "title" : "Turn right"
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            "desc" : "Behind the fence you can find the Potager du  Roi, a fruit and vegetable garden, that was established here, in close proximity to the palace, especially to  serve King Louis XIV with the freshest produce possible.  \r\nDespite the particularly barren land, the head gardener and famous agronomist, Jean-Baptiste de La Quintinie created a piece of heaven here, so to speak. It required a lot of work, such as draining a pond, etc. \r\nJean-Baptiste also somehow managed to grow lettuces and strawberries here in January. Louis XIV adored figs, so they were grown here in specifically-built greenhouses that were protected from rain and hidden in the heart of the garden.\r\nLe Potager du Roi was one of Versailles’ attractions; the king was so proud of it that he would invite important guests to walk around it with him. \r\nThe garden produced over 50 sorts of pears and 20 sorts of apples, and its variety and abundance were well-known around the world. Needless to say, this whole undertaking reflects King Louis XIV's image – whatever he wanted had to be done immediately and with great enthusiasm. \r\nDuring the French Revolution, parts of the garden were rented out. Later, the National School of Gardening and Landscape Design was based here.\r\nThe garden is now open to the public, and admission costs 3 euros per person.\r\n",
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            "desc" : "Now please walk around the square and go up the alley, following Avenue Rockefeller. Then turn left into a nice alley on the opposite side of the square and continue walking along it.",
            "title" : "Navigation story for Equestrian Academy"
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            "summary" : "",
            "desc" : "You are now approaching the Avenue de Paris – one of the main streets of Versailles, and the road that leads to Paris. Do you see a large road ahead? This is it!\r\nIn 1789, about 3 months after the fall of the Bastille, many thousands of Parisians, mainly women, marched through here on their way to the Palace of Versailles where the king and queen resided. The main purpose of this march was to demand food, since in Paris there was barely anything to eat and the prices were extortionate. The women’s hunger and despair were merely the initial reason for the march, and eventually led to more ambitious goals. \r\nBecause the crowd consisted mainly of women, the soldiers never fired a single bullet and just marched along with them. \r\nFinally, the crowd besieged the palace and the royal family was forced to relocate to Paris, which soon resulted in the public execution of the French monarchy\r\n",
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            "desc" : "To the right, behind the fence, you will find Lambinet Museum. This lovely mansion from the time of Louis XV now houses a municipal museum of Versailles. It has three departments: the Department of Fine Art, the Department of Decorative Art and that dedicated to the History of Versailles, focusing on its role during the French Revolution.\r\nBuilt in the mid-18th century by a local merchant and businessman, the 35 roomed-house was later purchased by the Lambinet family, who decided to open it up as a museum. \r\nHere, you will find paintings, furniture, clocks, crockery, snuffboxes, miniatures, and so on, as well as many items related to the city's history: plans, ancient views, etc. Moreover, the museum possesses a large collection of the work of Rene Lalique – a famous French glass designer of the 19th-20th century. One of the most interesting items is a beautiful diadem made out of aluminum, garnet and ivory.\r\nThe museum is open every day except Friday.\r\n",
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            "desc" : "This beautiful Catholic church ahead of you is actually the Cathedral of Versailles, even though it has been a cathedral for only about 100 years. Before that, it was simply the parish church of Notre Dame of Versailles. \r\nEven before that, there was a different church on this spot. Initially, the church was dedicated to St Julian of Brioude, a 4th century martyr. He was quite an influential saint here, since according to the legend St Julian was born in this area. \r\nHowever, despite the importance of St Julian, King Louis XIV decided to build a new church which would, of course, be dedicated to St Louis, the king’s patron-saint, so in 1681, the old church was demolished and the king himself laid the first stone of the new one. St Julian's church was later rebuilt in a nearby town to avoid angering the saint.\r\nUntil the French Revolution, which took place at the end of the 18th century, the Church of St Louis underwent little change, remaining a parish church of Notre Dame.\r\nAfter the Revolution, however, the church was turned into a Temple of Abundance, which was quite a common practice by the new government. It was badly defaced; for instance, a laborer was painted on the facade of St Louis’ church to indicate its new purpose.\r\nThere is great organ in St Louis Cathedral, a masterpiece of carpentry, built by the famous Alexandre Cliquot. It is huge, weighing about 53 tons, so it is  stunning to see such weight supported so effortlessly. Please do not hesitate to go inside and see for yourself.\r\n",
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            "desc" : "You are now standing in the large square opposite Versailles Palace. There are two large, identical buildings on your right. These were the Small and Great stables for the royal court in the 17th century during the rule of King Louis XIV. Together, they form an architectural ensemble that forms a square in a way that matches the castle. Let us begin with the nearer one – the Petite Écurie (Small Stables). \r\nThis building is massive, and currently hosts the Architecture Academy of Versailles. \r\nEvidently, the names \"small\" and \"great\" became symbolic, representing the purpose of the stables. The Small Stables were designed for carriage horses and also for the horses of kings' sons and the highest nobility so, clearly, the so-called \"small\" ones were less important. However, they were still under the jurisdiction of the Grand écuyer (the main squire), who was in charge of all of the king’s stables. Because of his great importance, he was called “Monsieur le premier” (Mr. Big).\r\nThe stables were abandoned for a long time, until the mid-20th century, when the Academy relocated here.\r\n",
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            "desc" : "On leaving the park, please retrace your steps towards the church. On reaching the church, continue walking along the street for about 500 meters, until further guidance.",
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            "desc" : "Please turn left here onto a street called the Rue du Vieux Versailles and then take the first right turn.",
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            "desc" : "On leaving the Salle de Jeu de Pomme, please turn right and continue walking in the same direction as before. At the first T-shaped intersection, please turn right.",
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            "desc" : "On leaving the museum, please cross the alley and enter the large square in front of Versailles Palace. Then turn right.",
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            "desc" : "Please look to your left - in an opening between the buildings you will see a beautiful church. Turn left and walk towards it.",
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            "desc" : "While you walking towards the next spot in our guide, we will tell you a little more about the history of Versailles. Please continue walking in the same direction while listening to the audio track. \r\nOf course, the greatest period that Versailles experienced as a city was during the golden age of French monarchy. However, the history of Versailles dates back to the 11th century, when the first little village was ordained here. Things changed very little for the next few centuries, until 1623, when King Louis XIII bought some land here to build a hunting lodge. About 50 years later, the fate of Versailles changed forever, when the great Sun-King, Louis XIV, made Versailles his residence. He disliked Paris and needed his own palace to reflect his grandeur. \r\nFrom that moment onwards, the life of Versailles was dedicated completely to the palace. The city grew and flourished, because of the vast number of people involved in the construction work, supplies, etc. The huge palace, together with its numerous annexes and park, required thorough maintenance, so up until the Great French Revolution, Versailles prospered. \r\nAfter the Revolution, the city lost almost a half of its inhabitants, for the palace fell out of use. In the 19th century, however, the importance of Versailles was restored, and the palace was turned into a museum.\r\nNow, the Palace of Versailles is a popular tourist attraction, with about 4 million visitors per year. We hope that you will see for yourself that there is more to discover in Versailles than just the palace, though. \r\nPlease continue along the street.\r\n",
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            "desc" : "On your right is a whitewashed wall. Go up the three steps and go inside. This is the Salle de Jeu de Pomme (The Room for a Ball Game). It contains a tennis court, and was built for King Louis XIV in the 17th century, when tennis became fashionable. It has remained popular ever since. Louis XIV had several such rooms built in Paris as well, but only this one was destined to become truly famous.\r\nDespite its seeming unimportance, this is where the French Revolution began. \r\nDuring the States General Assembly, representing the French estates of the realm in 1789, the most radical group of deputies representing the Third Estate were locked out of a meeting. They reacted to this strongly. They reassembled here, in this very room, and took a solemn oath not to separate and to reassemble whenever necessary before the constitution was established. This oath later became known as the Tennis Court Oath. All 577 deputies with an exception of only one person signed the document. \r\nThis event was of huge significance in French history, as it was the first time that citizens officially opposed the king and openly failed to obey him. Also, this was a turning point in the French Revolution, from which time the monarchy was practically incapable of resisting the revolutionary forces.\r\nA year later, Jacques-Louis David, a famous artist of the Revolution, was commissioned to paint this very important event but, unfortunately, the funding ran out and the painting was left unfinished. You can find an image of this painting on our menu.\r\nIt is now a museum. The entrance fee is 8 euros per person. Entrance is free on Tuesday to Sunday from 2pm to 5.45pm.\r\n",
            "title" : "Salle de Jeu de Paume"
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            "desc" : "There is a busy road ahead of you. Please turn left into a side alley and continue walking until you reach the next point - it will be on your left.",
            "title" : "cross the road"
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            "summary" : "",
            "desc" : "You are now passing the Royal Opera House of Versailles – the palace’s main theater and opera house.\r\nHistory states that this opera house, along with many other annexes and outhouses, was built for the wedding  of the Dauphin (the future King Louis XVI) to Marie Antoinette. Vienna, in turn, where the future queen was from, followed suit getting involved with massive construction works as well.\r\nThe wedding was indeed a huge event, despite the pitiful financial situation of both Austria and France.  Every single detail of the ceremony was thoroughly planned and discussed, such as whose name should be first on a marriage contract, what gifts to choose, how many ladies-in-waiting would be present and so on. The exuberance of the ceremony represented the whole idea of monarchy at that time.\r\nPlease continue walking along the street. While you are walking along this blind wall on your left, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is actually a wall of water reservoir that collects and provides water for the whole complicated fountain system of the palace of Versailles.\r\n",
            "title" : "Opera/Wedding"
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            "summary" : "",
            "desc" : "Please walk along the square towards the other stable building which is in front of you to the right. You will need to cross a busy street (the Avenue de Paris), so please use a pedestrian crossing.",
            "title" : "Navigation story for Architecture Academy"
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            "desc" : "To your left is the entrance to a newly-opened Perfume Court. It is a museum as well as a shop and consists of the Garden of Scents (a very relaxing and calming space), the House of Scents (where you can observe the process of perfume making) and the Square of Scents (which houses four world famous, prestigious French perfume boutiques.) \r\nThe Court of Scents brings together most of the unique fragrances, traditions, and technology that constitute the perfect perfume.\r\nIts close proximity to the palace (about 100 m) conveys a certain statement. The Court of Versailles was nicknamed the Perfumed Court. There was a simple reason for this – the lack of hygienic practices combined with a common fear of water as a disease carrier resulted in the widespread use of perfume. King Louis XIV set this trend; he was so fond of various fragrances that every day he was presented with a new one. Marie Antoinette was also famous for her passion for perfume, so Versailles became established as a center of perfume consumption and, therefore, production.\r\nThe museum offers free admission, and is open daily from 10am to 7pm.\r\n",
            "title" : "Court of Scents"
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            "summary" : "",
            "desc" : "You are now standing in front of the facade of the church facing it. To your right is a street called the Rue du Maréchal Joffre. Across this street is the Potager du Roi (Gardens of the King), so please cross over and head for the nearest entrance. Another entrance is located further down the road.",
            "title" : "Navigation story for  Versailles Cathedral of St Louis"
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            "desc" : "Please continue walking until you reach a church on your left.",
            "title" : "Straight"
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            "desc" : "We are now approaching the building that used to serve as the Great Stables. All of the king's horses were stabled here. It also hosted the Equestrian School of Pages. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Versailles was definitely a center for equestrianism, the art of riding. Many people came here to learn and enjoy riding at these impressive stables. \r\nNowadays, a progressive equestrian academy and museum of carriages are located here. The museum houses a vast collection of couches and carriages that were acquired by Louis-Philippe in the 19th century, including seven wedding carriages of Napoleon I and one made for Carl X.\r\nFor many years, the Great Stables were abandoned or used for administrative purposes, and only in the 21st century did horses return here. In 2003, a new equestrian academy was opened here by Bartabas, a famous circus and theatre actor/producer. He is one of the founders of the world-renowned Zingaro Circus. At the academy, students not only master the art of riding, but also music, dancing, singing and even fencing. The academy’s shows are magnificent and not to be missed, if you happen to be in town at the right time.\r\n",
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            "desc" : "You are now passing by the square on which Versailles' Food Market is located. The market is called Marché Notre-Dame and it has been bringing together shoppers and sellers for over 3 centuries.\r\nLook around - do you see four buildings forming a square around here? This is where a covered market is located. And as if it was not enough, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays there is an open-air market on the  square.\r\nEven the pickiest customer can find the most delicious and extravagant produce in here: French cheese, oysters, snails, foie gras, amazing bread as well as a variety of fruit and vegetables will make your journey around this market truly unforgettable! Many tourists have noted that this market can easily beat the ones in Paris. So just do not get carried away! And please continue walking straight on along the street.",
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            "desc" : "Now please walk past the church, keeping it on your right",
            "title" : "Navigation story for Eglise Notre Dame"
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            "desc" : "Please continue walking straight along the same street.",
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            "desc" : "Right next to the Potager du Roi lies the quiet, bucolic Balbi Park. Enter the gate and then walk a path to the next gate - this is where the entrance to Balbi park is.\r\nThe brother of King Louis XVI, the then Count of Provence and the future King Louis XVIII bought this land for the king’s mistress, the Countess of Balbi. Together, they turned it into their very own secret getaway.\r\nAs opposed to the massive, imperial, highly-trimmed French style gardens of the Palace of Versailles, Balbi Park is in the English style, which was fashionable at the time, whereby everything had to look natural yet intensely attractive. The English gardening style conveyed an idealistic view of nature, while the French turned it into an art. \r\nTo achieve this goal, the Count and his mistress ordered the planting of exotic flora, together with the digging up of the pond and river. Moreover, a natural-looking cave was built to create the most engaging experience.\r\nWhen, in 1791, the Count and his mistress had to flee France due to the Revolution, the park was abandoned for many years.\r\nNow it is restored and open to the public.\r\n",
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            "desc" : "If you are travelling from Paris, you have now arrived at your final destination – Versailles Chateau Rive Gauche. It is the last stop on line C of the RER. \r\nIf you did not come by train, please start your tour at the railway station. On leaving the train station please walk left on the sidewalk of the avenue du general de Gaulle then cross the large avenue named avenue de Sceaux and continue on rue Royale.\r\n",
            "title" : "Versailles-Chateau Railway"
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            "language" : "en",
            "summary" : "",
            "desc" : "This freshly-painted, yellowish classical building on your left is in fact the Montansier Theatre.\r\nThe theatre was opened in 1777 at the initiative of the then famous actress, Marguerite Brunet, who was often referred to as \"The Montansier.” She was what we would now call an it-girl and, moreover, one of the first women entrepreneurs in history.\r\nMademoiselle Montansier was highly favoured at the court of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, and so was given this magnificent venue right opposite the palace in which to launch and run an Italian theater. \r\nThe undertaking proved both beautiful and successful. The interior decoration was executed according to the contemporary fashion – lots of blue and gold was used, just as Marie-Antoinette liked it.\r\nAlso, various types of stage machinery was designed especially for this theater. Now, because of their unprecedented historical value, all of these mechanisms are being renovated.\r\nDespite the ultimate beauty and eloquence of the interior decoration, it underwent various renovations over the centuries. For instance, the ceiling initially represented Apollo and Muses, which was in perfect harmony with the rest of the hall. Later, during the 19th century renovation, the ceiling was painted over and the whole theater decorated in a bourgeois red, reflecting the fashion of the time.\r\nOnly in the 20th century were the initial interior design and decoration restored and now the theatre looks almost like it did 250 years ago. If you decide to look inside, you can enjoy the refined atmosphere of the 18th century.\r\n",
            "title" : "Montansier Theatre"
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              "name" : "Tours around the world",
              "copyright" : "@Tours around the world. All rights reserved."
            "language" : "en",
            "summary" : "",
            "desc" : "On leaving the garden, please turn right and continue walking until you reach the entrance to Balbi park which is located right next to the garden. ",
            "title" : "Navigation story for Le Potager du Roi"
          }, {
            "uuid" : "dfe7bc5f-c0ef-4cbf-b3b1-9f31c10c2a92",
            "status" : "published",
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              "name" : "Tours around the world",
              "copyright" : "@Tours around the world. All rights reserved."
            "images" : [{
                "uuid" : "9da39a38-de9a-4b9e-83eb-12f6a0079ef4",
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            "language" : "en",
            "summary" : "",
            "desc" : "Now you can see a facade of Notre Dame Church immediately to your left. Please walk towards it and take a moment to look around while listening to its story. Despite its modest size and apparent remoteness, this appears to be one of the most important churches in France. Notre Dame is the parish church of Versailles, which includes the palace so, since the end of the 17th century, every royal birth, baptism, marriage and death was registered here. This period covers great kings from Louis XIV to Louis XVI; basically, the golden age of the French monarchy.\r\nNotre Dame of Versailles is a perfect example of French Classicism. Based on the ideals of the Enlightenment, classical works of art were supposed to represent the idealistic form of nature according to very strict canons.\r\nSymbolism was an intrinsic part of the Classist movement and so, on the façade’s tympanum (the triangle in the centre), you can see two carved figures depicting Religion and Charity.\r\nDuring the Revolution, the interior decorations disappeared, except for a few things, including the altar and some wooden carvings.\r\nHowever, despite the rigorous classicist proportions, there is a certain aspect that is linked with the proportions of Notre Dame. If you view the facade from a certain distance, it looks too massive and squat. This was not due to the architect’s inadequacy, but because King Louis XIV limited the height of all city buildings to a maximum of two storeys to avoid blocking the view from the palace, behavior that was highly characteristic of the king.\r\nThere is also a monument here, inside which  the heart of the French General, Lazare Hoche (who was born in Versailles) is bricked. \r\n",
            "title" : "l'église Notre-Dame "
    "location" : {
      "altitude" : 0.0,
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      "latitude" : 48.80236719350589,
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This request shows an example of receiving of a museum object indicating what kind of objects (sections) shall be included in response, see includes=all,city,country&except=translations,publisher,download part of query.

Find “Baltimor” City

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                "name": "巴爾的摩",
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This request shows an example of receiving the “Baltimor” City object for English and Russian languages indicating that translations section shall be included into response.

Get museums in “Baltimor” City

curl -X GET -H "X-IZI-API-KEY: 14010cf2-3151-475d-a7ae-234ba057424f" -H "Accept:application/izi-api-v1.8+json" ''
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The request shows an example of receiving museums of “Baltimor” City.

See also:

Get Publisher

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